Short Course Speaker

NAND Flash Technology

Yunheub Song (Hanyang University, PeDiSem)

Biography: Yun-Heub Song received the M.S. degree in electronic engineering from Hanyang University, Seoul, South Korea, in 1992, and the Ph.D. degree in intelligent mechanical engineering from Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, in 1999. He is currently a professor (Department of Electronic Engineering) with Hanyang University, Korea. He has researched semiconductor devices and circuit design for over 38 years in the Semiconductor Division, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd and Hanyang University.When he was working with Samsung, he was responsible for the device and product development of flash memory as the vice-president, and developed 256 Mb and 512 Mb NOR flash memory from 2000 to 2003. After moving to Hanyang University in 2008, where he served as the Vice Dean of the college of engineering (2011-2013) and the Dean of College of Engineering II (2017-2018), working in extensive international collaboration research and planning on industrial projects, etc. His research interests include novel device structure and architecture for memory and logic applications, device operation and integration technology of 3D new memory, circuit design and algorithms for low-power, etc. Recently, he has focused to 3D nand flash memory architecture and design, etc. After 2008, he shows achievement of more than 150 patent applications and registrations, and publication of more than 100 SCI papers. In addition, he founded intellectual property & reverse engineering & education company (PeDiSem Ltd.) in 2019, and has performed lots of business in area of the semiconductor technology.
