Farrokh Rahimi is Vice President of Market Design and Consulting at Open Access Technology International, Inc. (OATI), where he is currently involved in analysis and design of power and energy markets and Smart Grid solutions. He has a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from MIT, along with over 40 years of experience in electric power systems analysis, planning, operations, and control, with the most recent 5 years in the Smart Grid area. Before joining OATI in 2006, he collaborated with California ISO, Folsom, CA for eight years, where he was engaged in market monitoring and design. His prior experience included eight years with Macro Corporation (subsequently KEMA Consulting), five years with Systems-Europe, Brussels, Belgium; one year with Brown Boveri (now ABB), Baden, Switzerland; ten years, as a university professor, researcher, and consultant in power and industrial control systems in Iran (his country of origin), and two years with Systems Control, Inc. (now ABB Systems Control, Santa Clara, CA), where he started his professional career. Dr. Rahimi is a Senior Member of IEEE, and a number of Smart Grid task forces and committees, including NERC Smart Grid Task Force, NAESB Smart Grid Task Force, WECC Variable Generation Subcommittee, and Open Smart Grid Users Group