Dr. Mladen Kezunovic is a Professor at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Texas A&M University where he holds the Eugene E. Webb Endowed Professorship.
He worked for Westinghouse Electric in the U.S.A. as a Systems Engineer on development of the first all-digital substation during 1979-1980 and for Energoinvest Company in Europe as the Technical Lead for substation automation development during 1980-86. He also spent sabbaticals at EdF’s Research Centre in Clamart, France in 1999/2000 and at the University of Hong Kong in the fall of 2007. Dr. Kezunovic served as a consultant to over 50 utilities and vendors worldwide. He is TAMU’s Site Director of the Power Systems Engineering Research Center (PSerc), and a Deputy Director of the Electrical Vehicles Transportation and Electricity Convergence (EV-TEC) Center, both Industry/University Cooperative Research Centers (I/UCRC) of the National Science Foundation.
Dr. Kezunovic acted as a Principal Investigator on close to 100 R&D projects ranging from implementation of real-time and open-loop digital simulators for relay testing to development of software solutions for automated analysis of faults and power quality disturbances. His current research activity is related to development of new concepts for substation automation and condition-based asset management, as well as advanced relaying and control solutions.
Dr. Kezunovic has published more than 400 papers and has given over 100 invited lectures, short courses and seminars around the world. He is an IEEE Fellow and Distinguished Speaker, CIGRE member, and registered PE in Texas. He is also a recipient of the Inaugural 2011 IEEE Educational Activities Board Standards Education Award “for educating students and engineers about the importance and benefits of interoperability standards”