Paper Presentation Instructions
Guidelines for iWAT2016 Oral Presentations
Each oral presentation is scheduled for 20 minutes; it is recommended that each speaker leaves 3-5 minutes for questions.
1) Please be in session 15 mins before start to upload your presentation
2) No use of personal laptops – the equipment in the room must be used
3) The computers will have Microsoft Office and Acrobat Reader. Please contact TPC chairs if any other formats are requested.
Guidelines for iWAT2016 Technical Interactive Session Presentations

The Technical Interactive Session (TIS) provides an opportunity for the presenter to engage in direct discussions with small
groups of interested workshop attendees on an informal basis. Be prepared to use your time at the TIS session to explain your
work and to answer specific questions. Software and/or hardware demonstrations are welcomed and encouraged. Before the conference,
we will provide an opportunity to have your material reviewed and provide feedback to avoid common mistakes that make it difficult
to convey your ideas at the TIS session. If interested, please submit an electronic proof of your material to the TPC Chairs,
in pdf format, for this purpose no later than
22 February 2016.
Here are some guidelines to help your preparation for the TIS presentation:
1. Poster Space: Plan on using an area that is 40’’ x 30” (1.01 m × 0.76 m). Figure 1 shows an approximate layout of the available area
for your presentation. Push pins and/or tape will be provided to attach your material onto the bulletin boards.
2. Use bullet lists, charts, figures, tables, equations, and photographs as applicable to highlight the important technical content of your work.
The use of color graphics and headline style phrases in bullet charts will allow the audience to quickly see the theme of your presentation and
grasp your intended message. It is also a good idea to sequentially number your posted material or use arrows to indicate flow of material.
This will indicate to the viewer a logical progression through your presentation. Simply posting the pages of the written version of your paper
is a very poor presentation for the TIS.
3. The title of your paper should appear in block letters, which are recommended at least 5 cm high (2 in). The remaining text should be
at least 2 cm high (1 in) to be easily legible to viewers who are standing as far as 2 meters away. Each graph or chart with text should
also be readable from 1-2 meters away. Provide an Introduction or Outline, and Summary or Conclusion. Remember to keep text short and concise,
and highlight the key points and significance of your work (use phrases instead of complete sentences).
4. Your presentation material must be available for viewing and you must be available for discussion during the entire TIS session.
If you wish to step away from your presentation, please inform the TPC Chair and return as soon as possible. Your presentation will be
clustered with other presentations having a similar topic, so an interested viewer is likely to appear at any time during the session.
It is also helpful to have paper copies of your written submission to the workshop Digest available for visitors to take with them.
Presenters often provide their business cards and solicit the cards of their visitors so they may correspond with one another in the future.
All material should be removed promptly at the conclusion of the TIS session.
iWAT2016 TPC Chairs,
Gokhan Mumcu and Guoan Wang