Juergen Bender

Managing Director, Bender-IS Co., Ltd
“Big Data for Power and Energy ”

About the Speaker

Juergen Bender With more than 30 years of experience in consulting on a diverse range of projects across the Telecommunications and Utilities industries, Juergen is providing deep subject matter expertise, delivery execution expertise and development of assets for utility ICT solutions. Juergen is also a well regarded industry participant and a member of a number of standardization bodies for Smart Grid / Smart Metering technologies. In recent years he became a well known expert for the integration of distributed energy sources and utility scale RE integration. As a well regarded expert he is a regular presenter on conferences in Asia, Europe and South America.

He holds a Masters Degree in Computer Science from MIT (Boston), a PhD from RWTH Aachen in electrical engineering and was Professor for Systems Design / Methodologies at Cologne University, Germany (1992 – 1997). For almost 3 decades Juergen has delivered high end consultancy services to the Telecommunication and Utility Industry with a strong focus on solution architectures and the integration of heterogeneous system platforms into the ever more challenging developments in the energy market.

He has been engaged with a diverse set of clients in countries all over the world as they have explored the use of various telecommunication technologies for all kinds of Utility applications mainly for grid automation and more recently the transition to smart grid infrastructures with an emphasis on the integration of utility scale renewable energy sources. He delivered numerous projects of this nature across South East Asia including Distribution Automation, Demand Site Management, Substation Control and Automation (IEC61850) as clients have grappled with their evolution to Smart Grid and Smart Metering concepts and architectures.

In the last few years, Juergen has been an industry subject matter expert for Smart Grid /Smart Cities and participated heavily in industry working groups across APAC, Europe and Latin America. He has been the Chairman of national working groups in Australia and has advisory roles to governments, regulators and donor organizations like Asian Development Bank. For the last 5 years his focus was mainly on the South East Asian Region.

Juergen is also the main author of the Smart Grid Technology Action Plan prepared for the Major Economic Forum (MEF) of the G20. Since 2010 he is also a member of CEN/CENELEC and ESMIG supporting the standardization workgroups for Smart Metering and Smart Grid technologies.

About the Tutorial

Current trends in how we operate infrastructures like utilities and use pressures resources are patently unsustainable – economically, environmentally and socially. Without decisive action, increased fossil fuel demand will heighten concerns over the security of supplies and energy related emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) will more than double by 2050. We can and must change our current path, but this will take a revolution and low-carbon energy technologies will have a crucial role to play. Energy efficiency, many types of renewable energy, carbon capture and storage, nuclear power, smart cities and new transport technologies will all require widespread deployment if we are to reach our greenhouse-gas emission goals. Every major country and sector of the economy must be involved. The task is also urgent if we are to make sure that investment decisions taken now do not saddle us with sub‑optimal technologies in the long term.

A newly developed roadmap must focus on an overall smart infrastructure (IoT) – and for example integrate the infrastructure that enables the delivery of power from generation sources to end-uses to be monitored and managed in real time. Intelligent infrastructures are required to enable the use of a range of low carbon technologies, such as variable renewable resources and electric vehicles, and to address current concerns with the electricity system infrastructure, such as meeting peak demand with an ageing infrastructure.

To accomplish the above intelligent energy devices (IED) across the entire energy supply system will deliver a tsunami of data to the utility of the future which can be considered raw and meaningless data if seen individually. The seminar will discuss the challenges and solutions to this and how big data analytics can provide the tools to create meaningful data as part of the digital transformation of our analog power infrastructure.

In this context the seminar will discuss the following topics:

  1. What is ‘big data’ and where do they come from
  2. Telecommunication challenges (IoT)
  3. Standards and interoperability
  4. Data ownership and cloud computing
  5. Transformation of the utility industry

Within the above topics we will also extensively discuss the roles of the government and the private sector since they are often misunderstood, at times by themselves and often by each other. The broadness and complexity of a modern infrastructure solution (technologically and from a regulatory and market perspective), and its importance to society in general, increase the necessity to understand who should perform the actions outlined in a roadmap. Neither the government alone, nor the private sector alone, can accomplish the goal of modernizing a national platform. Collaboration is vital.