Kaigui Xie

School of Electrical Engineering, Chongqing University, China.
“Power System Reliability Evaluation – Basic models, methods and applications”

About the Speaker

Kaigui Xie received his Ph.D. degree in Power System and Its Automation at Chongqing University, Chongqing, China, in 2001. Currently, he is a full professor in the School of Electrical Engineering, Chongqing University, China.

Dr. Xie has been involved in power system reliability and planning for 20 years at Chongqing University. He is the team leader of more than 80 academic projects, including six projects under the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and three projects under the National key Research and Development Program of China, and the author and co-author of over 200 academic papers and six books in the areas of power system reliability and analysis.

Dr. Xie awarded the titles of “National Science Fund for Outstanding Young Scholar” and “National Ten-thousand Talents Program” scholar, and served as an editor of the IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, an associate editor of IET Proceedings-Generation, Transmission and Distribution, and the program chair of PMAPS conference 2016. He is an IET fellow and an IEEE senior member.

About the Tutorial

This tutorial briefly introduces some of the basic power system reliability concepts, including the definition, reliability parameter requirements and reliability indices. Several widely used techniques, such as reliability formula for series/parallel systems and Markov method, are introduced to evaluate the reliability of general simple systems. Utilization of both analytical techniques and Monte Carlo simulation is presented for reliability evaluation of power system components and electric power systems, including generation systems, bulk power systems and distribution systems. This tutorial also illustrates their applications in practical power systems. In addition, this tutorial introduces power system unreliability tracing and weak part identification methods for practical power systems.