Lina Bertling Tjernberg

KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden.
“Infrastructure Asset Management with Power System Applications”

About the Speaker

Dr. Lina Bertling Tjernberg is Professor in Power Grid Technology at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) and is the Director of the Energy Platform. Her research aims to develop models for electric power solutions for the future sustainable energy system. Areas of special expertise are in applied reliability theory and maintenance management. Dr. Bertling Tjernberg has previously been Professor at Chalmers University of Technology in Sustainable Power System and the Head of the Power System Group, and with the Swedish National Grid as Director of the Research and Development.

Dr. Bertling Tjernberg is a Senior Member of IEEE, the Chair of the Swedish PE/PEL Chapter, and is a Distinguished Lecturer of IEEE PES. She has served in the Governing Board of IEEE PES, as an Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid Technologies, and chaired the first IEEE ISGT Europe Conference. She is an expert for the EU commission within Energy, ICT and Security. She is appointed by the Swedish Government as a member of the advisory council of the Energy Markets Inspectorate, is a member of the National Strategic Council for Wind Power, and of the Scientific Board of the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency. She has published over 100 papers and a book for CRC Press on Infrastructure Asset Management with Power System Examples., 2018.

About the Tutorial

The electric power system is being modernized to enable a sustainable energy system. New developments include possibilities and challenges with generation, delivery and usage of electricity as an integrated part of the energy system. This involves new forms of usage of electricity, e.g. for transportation and demand response, and to the updating of existing electricity infrastructures. For electricity generation the trend is toward new large-scale developments, like offshore wind farms, as well as small-scale developments like rooftop solar energy. At the same time, digitalization of society is creating new opportunities for control and automation as well as new business models and energy related services. The overall trend for technology developments is new possibilities for measurement and control. An example is Phasor Measurements Units (PMUs), generally located in the transmission network, which provide measurements of voltage and current up to 30-120 times per second. Smart Meters placed with the end consumer, which enables integration of private small-scale electricity production from solar cells, or energy storage from electric vehicles and general distributed control of energy use, are others. Another trend is the development of diagnostic measurement techniques for assessing the insulation condition and prediction of lifetime of physical assets, and new methods for condition monitoring. These different trends have in common an overall development towards access to large volumes of data for handling and analysis, and another concept growing in interest are referred as Big Data, which provides new means for infrastructure asset management (AM).

This Tutorial will include two parts; firstly a thoroughly introduction to AM providing definitions, terminology, and basic theories, and secondly, a comprehensive set of examples from a wide range of applications for the electric power system and its components. A main focus will be on input data and the use of condition monitoring techniques.