Michael KRÜGER

Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn. OMICRON electronics, Austria
“Diagnostic Measurements on High Voltage Assets”

About the Speaker

Michael Krüger is PRINCIPAL ENGINEER for testing and diagnostic measurements on electric power equipment with OMICRON electronics GmbH in Klaus, Austria. He studied electrical engineering at the Technical University of Aachen (RWTH) and the University of Kaiserslautern (Germany) and graduated in 1976 (Dipl.-Ing.). In 1990 he received the Dr. (PHD) degree from the Technical University of Vienna.

Michael Krüger has more than 40 years of experience in high voltage engineering and insulation diagnosis on GIS, instrument transformers, cables, power transformers and rotating machines.

He has published many papers about electrical measurements on different assets and holds 15 patents. He is member of VDE, Cigre and IEEE and works in several working groups of OEVE, IEC and Cigre.

About the Tutorial

To avoid unexpected outages of electric power systems and to plan repairs and replacements, diagnostic tools are needed to assess the health condition of high voltage assets. Diagnostic tools also help to identify and localize faults.

Diagnostic tools for power transformers, high voltage bushings, instrument transformers, rotating electrical machines, gas insulated switchgear and cables are presented and discussed.

Beside conventional methods innovative new tools like:

Dielectric Response Analysis (DRA) with Frequency Domain Spectroscopy (FDS) and Polarization Depolarization Current (PDC) for the assessment of the insulation of power and instrument transformers, high voltage bushings, rotating machines and cables,

Frequency Response Analysis (FRA) for the assessment of winding deformations and core problems in transformers and short circuits in generator rotor poles,

Dynamic Resistance and Vibroacoustic Measurements on OLTC for the assessment of tap changers and Partial Discharge (PD) measurements on power and instrument transformers, high voltage bushings, rotating electrical machines, GIS and cables are shown using practical case studies.