IEEE Computer Society

Rochester Section IEEE Computer Society Meeting

Creating "Swearless" Human-Computer Interfaces

Presented by Stan Caplan, President, Usability Associates

March 20, 2002

5:30 Doors Open/Refreshments, 5:45 Talk Begins
Kodak Camera Club Theatre, B28
200 Ridge Road West
Parking in Visitor Lot on South Side of Ridge Road

What words would users say when trying to use the new software application or web site you designed? Would it be music to your ears or something else? The appropriate application of Human Factors principles will help you create ìswearlessî software. Users will find it useful and usable. This talk will discuss basic Human Factors principles and how they apply to software user interface design. It will also review various techniques for evaluating the usability of prototype or existing user interfaces and discovering opportunities for improvement. Does it cost more to create a highly usable interface? The answer may surprise you!


Mr. Caplan has a Masters degree in Industrial Engineering from the University of Michigan augmented with further graduate studies in Experimental Psychology at UC-Berkeley. During most of his 30 years at Kodak, he performed and directed Human Factors activities for the development of hardware and software user interfaces on consumer, commercial, and health products. Currently, Mr. Caplan is President of Usability Associates, a Human Factors consulting firm whose local clients include Kodak, Xerox, Heidelberg, and NexPress. He has authored numerous articles and book chapters and given workshops in the U.S., Canada, and Europe. Mr. Caplan is a Board-certified Human Factors Professional and a member of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society and the Usability Professionals Association.

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(Modified:  17-Feb-2003)