IEEE Computer Society

"Writing with Authority"
Rochester Section IEEE Computer Society and
IEEE Engineering Management Society
September 17, 2002
Open to anyone interested in improving their writing skills - members as well as non-members.

5:15 Doors Open/Refreshments, 5:30 Talk Begins
Kodak Camera Club Theater, B28
200 Ridge Road West
Parking in Visitor Lot on South Side of Ridge Road

Have you ever been asked to suggest a solution to a problem? Do you have to justify why your recommendation is better than other options? This fast-paced session will show you how to organize your thoughts into a logical, direct and concise document.

You'll learn how to

RGI has developed a series of templates for various writing scenarios. Senior Consultant Lisa Moretto will demonstrate how to apply this structured writing approach to investigations, comparative analysis, and formal reports. It doesn't matter how brilliant your ideas are; if you can't put them in writing, so others can understand them, they will be lost.

Lisa Moretto is a senior consultant with RGI Learning, Inc. and is a past Education Chair for the IEEE Professional Communication Society. She is an IEEE Press author of "Writing Reports to Get Results". She has recently presented a similar workshop for the IEEE Section in Montreal, has presented various tutorials at the IEEE PACE conferences, and has presented in-house courses at GTE Labs and the Mayo Clinic for the IEEE PCS. She holds a BS in Technical Communication from Clarkson University.

Schedule of Event for Remainder of 2002:

October 23: Software Quality, Trudy Howles, Assistant Professor of Computer Science at RIT

November 13: UML, James Heliotis, Professor of Computer Science at RIT

December: No meeting

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(Modified:  17-Feb-2003)