Final STRATUS 2016 Program
Click HERE for the Final Worokshop Technical Program.Overview of 2016 Meeting
October, 28. There were 82 people registered for the workshop from both industry and academia. Companies such as SkyOp, microdrones, Harris, Eagle Hawk, EnableUAV, Oak Ridge National Labs and even the Monroe County Water Authority were represented. Individuals from universities such as University of Guelph (Canada), Beijing Institute of Technology (China), Hobart and William Smith, Cornell, St. John Fisher, U of R, RIT and MCC were also in attendance.There were 11 oral and 6 poster presentations along with two keynote speakers, one from industry (i.e., Headwall Photonics in Boston) and one from academia (i.e., Rh). Student awards ($200 each) were given out for best paper (Ahmed Elshamli), poster (Dylan Cornell), and oral presentation (Ryan Ford). These awards were made possible by the generous financial contributions of EagleView-Pictometry.
The workshop was made possible, In part, by an IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society (GRSS) award won by RIT Research Professor, and general workshop chair, Emmett lentilucci. The award allowed for low registration fees for non-students while waiving registration fees for students. The workshop also received the technical co-sponsorship of the IEEE GRS Society which enabled hosting the event on the IEEE GRSS website, advertisement in the GRSS Magazine, and the ability to publish accepted full papers in IEEE Xplore.
The emergence of low-cost and easy-to-use Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS), commonly referred to as drones, has lead to an explosion of their use for numerous applications. In particular, these new platforms have enabled new imaging and earth remote sensing technologies and applications previously unavailable due to the high cost of manned aircraft or satellites. This workshop will bring together academics, industry representatives, and domain specialists to share perspectives on this rapidly evolving topic.
Time: 8:00am - 5:00pm
Location on Campus: Louise Slaughter Hall , Rochester Institute of Technology , Rochester, NY
Building Map: Louise Slaughter Hall
Important Dates
Topics (UAS-Related)
- 3D and Multi-view Imaging
- Analysis Techniques
- Applications
- Imaging Systems
- Platforms
- Sensors
- Technologies
Final Workshop Agenda
Click HERE for the Final Worokshop Agenda in pdf form.Where / When
Date: October 28, 2016Time: 8:00am - 5:00pm
Location on Campus: Louise Slaughter Hall , Rochester Institute of Technology , Rochester, NY
Building Map: Louise Slaughter Hall
Parking Instructions
Any non-RIT attendees are allowed to park in either Lot T or the Global Village Lot and then walk to Louise Slaughter Hall (SLA Building). See the campus map with parking information. Non-RIT visitors will need a parking pass; a pass can be requested by emailing here.Important Dates
Full paper submission deadline: | Monday, September 19, 2016 |
Abstract-only submission deadline | Friday, September 23, 2016 |
Early (online) registration deadline: | Friday, October 14, 2016 |
Notification of Acceptance: | Friday, September 30, 2016 |
Camera-ready paper due: | Friday, October 14, 2016 |
Workshop: | Friday, October 28, 2016 |

Registration is open here You can pay with online bank account, debit or credit card, or PayPal.Onsite registration will also be available with (onsite) registration fees payable by cash or check. Fees enable attendance to all sessions and include lunch.
Thanks to the generous financial support from the IEEE GRS Society and our sponsors, registration fees are:
- General Registration: Early ($25), Onsite ($35)
- Student Registration: FREE (Please note there are a limited number of seats for students. Thus, seating is limited)
Call for Abstract & Presentation (OR) 4-pg Paper & Presentation
Click here for the Call in pdf form.Abstract Only (OR) Full-Paper Submissions
The workshop will have a two-track submission process for program consideration. You can either submit an abstract (plus presentation) or a 4-page paper (plus presentation). See details below.
The first track is for workshop participants who desire to share their work during the conference without submitting a full paper. This first track will require an abstract only for program consideration.
The second track is for authors wishing to present a full paper to be published in the proceedings, which will be archived in IEEE Xplore. A four-page IEEE style paper is required and will undergo a full peer-review process for those wishing to seek this option.
Program will include both oral and poster sessions, as well as breaks for networking, browsing exhibits and live demonstrations.
Abstracts are limited to 250 words. For those authors submitting a full paper please use the templates as described here .
Accepted four-page papers will be published in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
The first track is for workshop participants who desire to share their work during the conference without submitting a full paper. This first track will require an abstract only for program consideration.
The second track is for authors wishing to present a full paper to be published in the proceedings, which will be archived in IEEE Xplore. A four-page IEEE style paper is required and will undergo a full peer-review process for those wishing to seek this option.
Program will include both oral and poster sessions, as well as breaks for networking, browsing exhibits and live demonstrations.
Abstract and Paper Submission Site
Either an abstract or a full four-page paper (as described above) may be submitted at our submission site here .Abstracts are limited to 250 words. For those authors submitting a full paper please use the templates as described here .
Accepted four-page papers will be published in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
Thanks to financial support of Pictometry (an EagleView company) , a best student paper/poster(s) award will be given.Organizing Committee
- General Chair, Emmett Ientilucci
- Technical Program Chair, John Kerekes
- Financial Chair, Don McKeown
- Sponsor and Exhibits Chair, Carl Salvaggio
- Publicity Co-Chairs, Anthony Vodacek and Jan van Aardt