Registration is Now Closed.
We have reached capacity for both the Tutorials and Workshop
Final Workshop Agenda
Click HERE to view the agenda and program for the two daysPrevious Workshops
STRATUS 2016Overview 2017
The emergence of low-cost and easy-to-use Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS), commonly referred to as drones, has lead to an explosion of their use for numerous applications. In particular, these new platforms have enabled new imaging and earth remote sensing technologies and applications previously unavailable due to the high cost of manned aircraft or satellites. This workshop will bring together academics, industry representatives, and domain specialists to share perspectives on this rapidly evolving topic.
TUTORIAL 1: Introduction to UAV Radiometry and Reflectance, Chris Durell of Labsphere, Inc. (3 hours)
This 3-hour tutorial will provide the attendee with an overview of optical radiometry. This introduction to radiometry will provide fundamental information about what radiometric units to use, how to use them, and how to perform the proper measurements to record specific radiometric quantities. The use of blackbodies and a standard sources will be discussed for calibration. The use of radiometry and calibration as applied to UAS applications, specifically, How to apply the radiometric units to field applications in UAS space including visible, multispectral, LiDAR, SWIR and thermal cameras and sensor payloads will be discussed. Topics will include 1) reflectance-based techniques, 2) sources, visible to thermal, and 3) image-quality tests. Instructor is Chris Durell, Director of Marketing and Imaging Products at Labsphere, Inc.
TUTORIAL 2: UAS Focused Photogrammetry / Mapping with Pix4D, Angad Singh of Pix4D, Inc. (3 hours)
This tutorial will be aimed at geospatial professionals, and will include the following concepts:
Time: Check in (8:30-9am), Tutorial 1 (9-12pm), Lunch (12-1pm), Tutorial 2 (1pm-4pm)
Location: Louise Slaughter Hall Tutorial Map, Room 1630 (Closest to "T" parking lot) Rochester Institute of Technology , Rochester, NY
Friday Workshop Building Map: Louise Slaughter Hall
General Campus Maps Link HERE
Directions to RIT: Link HERE
Time: 8:00am - 5:00pm
Location: Louise Slaughter Hall , Rochester Institute of Technology , Rochester, NY
Building Map: Louise Slaughter Hall
General Campus Maps Link HERE
Directions to RIT: Link HERE
Important Dates
Registration is Now Closed.
Workshop Topics (UAS-Related)
- 3D and Multi-view Imaging
- Analysis Techniques
- Applications
- Imaging Systems
- Platforms
- Sensors
- Technologies
New for 2017: Tutorials
We will be having two tutorials the day before the workshop, Thursday Oct 19. Sign up is available on the registsration page.TUTORIAL 1: Introduction to UAV Radiometry and Reflectance, Chris Durell of Labsphere, Inc. (3 hours)
This 3-hour tutorial will provide the attendee with an overview of optical radiometry. This introduction to radiometry will provide fundamental information about what radiometric units to use, how to use them, and how to perform the proper measurements to record specific radiometric quantities. The use of blackbodies and a standard sources will be discussed for calibration. The use of radiometry and calibration as applied to UAS applications, specifically, How to apply the radiometric units to field applications in UAS space including visible, multispectral, LiDAR, SWIR and thermal cameras and sensor payloads will be discussed. Topics will include 1) reflectance-based techniques, 2) sources, visible to thermal, and 3) image-quality tests. Instructor is Chris Durell, Director of Marketing and Imaging Products at Labsphere, Inc.
TUTORIAL 2: UAS Focused Photogrammetry / Mapping with Pix4D, Angad Singh of Pix4D, Inc. (3 hours)
This tutorial will be aimed at geospatial professionals, and will include the following concepts:
- Introduction to Photogrammetry concepts used by Pix4D
- Image Capture, camera types, and platforms used
- Cloud vs desktop processing
- Georeferencing
- Verifying accuracy
- Creating a project
- Live demonstration of interface
- Outputs workflow
- Reviewing the quality report
Thursday Tutorial Where / When
Date: October 19, 2017Time: Check in (8:30-9am), Tutorial 1 (9-12pm), Lunch (12-1pm), Tutorial 2 (1pm-4pm)
Location: Louise Slaughter Hall Tutorial Map, Room 1630 (Closest to "T" parking lot) Rochester Institute of Technology , Rochester, NY
Friday Workshop Building Map: Louise Slaughter Hall
General Campus Maps Link HERE
Directions to RIT: Link HERE
Friday Workshop Where / When
Date: October 20, 2017Time: 8:00am - 5:00pm
Location: Louise Slaughter Hall , Rochester Institute of Technology , Rochester, NY
Building Map: Louise Slaughter Hall
General Campus Maps Link HERE
Directions to RIT: Link HERE
Parking Instructions
Any non-RIT attendees are allowed to park in either Lot T or the Global Village Lot and then walk to Louise Slaughter Hall (SLA Building). See the campus map with parking information. Non-RIT visitors will need a parking pass; a pass can be requested by emailing here.Important Dates
Full paper submission deadline: | Monday, September 11, 2017 |
Abstract-only submission deadline | Friday, September 15, 2017 |
Notification of Acceptance: | Friday, September 22, 2017 |
Early (online) registration deadline: | Friday, October 6, 2017 |
Camera-ready paper due: | Friday, October 6, 2016 |
Workshop: | Friday, October 20, 2017 |
Registration is Now Closed.
We have reached capacity for both the Tutorials and Workshop
Hotel Accommodations
Here is a list of area hotels near RIT.Call for Abstract & Presentation (OR) 4-pg Paper & Presentation
Click here for the Call in pdf form.PAPER SUBMISSION: Abstract Only or Full 4-page Paper
The workshop will have a two-track submission process for program consideration. You can either submit an abstract (plus presentation) or a 4-page paper (plus presentation). See details below.
Abstracts and papers can be submitted using EasyChair here .
The first track is for workshop participants who desire to share their work during the conference without submitting a full paper. This first track will require an abstract only for program consideration.
The second track is for authors wishing to present a full paper to be published in the proceedings, which will be archived in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library. A four-page IEEE style paper is required and will undergo a full peer-review process for those wishing to seek this option.
Abstracts are limited to 250 words. For those authors submitting a full paper please use the templates as described here .
Program will include both oral and poster sessions, as well as breaks for networking, browsing exhibits and live demonstrations.
Abstracts and papers can be submitted using EasyChair here .

The first track is for workshop participants who desire to share their work during the conference without submitting a full paper. This first track will require an abstract only for program consideration.
The second track is for authors wishing to present a full paper to be published in the proceedings, which will be archived in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library. A four-page IEEE style paper is required and will undergo a full peer-review process for those wishing to seek this option.
Abstracts are limited to 250 words. For those authors submitting a full paper please use the templates as described here .
Program will include both oral and poster sessions, as well as breaks for networking, browsing exhibits and live demonstrations.
There will be student awardsOrganizing Committee
- General Chair, Emmett Ientilucci
- Technical Program Chair, John Kerekes
- Financial Chair, Don McKeown
- Sponsor and Exhibits Chair, Mike Richardson
- Tutorials Chair, Carl Salvaggio
- Local Arrangments Chair Colleen McManhon