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Student Activities


1.             A meeting with all the Students’ Branches and Students’ Branch Counsellors under the Bangalore Section was arranged with the IEEE President Dr. Cleon Anderson at Hotel Taj West End over a luncheon on 15.1.2005.  During the meeting, there was very good participation from the Student Branches and lot of interaction was there with IEEE President who gave lot of insight about the IEEE activities and opportunities for the students.

2.             During the Annual General Meeting held on 5.2.2005 at Hotel Taj West End, Students Paper Contest Prizes were given away for the BRV Memorial Students’ Paper Contest held in November 2004. 

3.             At the AGM on 5.2.2005 the Outstanding student branch award consisting of cash prize of Rs.10,000/- and a certificate were given away to SJCE Students Branch, Mysore and MIT Students Branch, Manipal who shared the award.

4.             In the meeting of all the Student Branch Chairs and their representatives held on 20th March 2005 at Bangalore, the proposal for hosting 3rd Region 10 Students Congress by Bangalore Section was discussed and finalized. All the Student Branches’ representatives actively participated, brain stormed and finalized that the event would be held at MIT, Manipal for which the Chair would be from UVCE, Bangalore and Secretary would be from SJCE, Mysore and Executive Committee members comprising from various other Students Branches under the Section.  Accordingly, an interim proposal was sent to Dr. Darren Chong of Region 10 for hosting 2006 Students Congress by Bangalore section from Dr. Surendra Pal.  However, the Section was not successful in getting their approval for the event by Region 10 as per the latest information received.

5.             On 19th March 2005, a Technical Colloquium was organized by the Section at the IEEE Students Branch of BVP Engineering College, Hubli in which the following faculties have delivered lectures to the Students drawn from the Engineering Colleges in the neighbourhood of Hubli.

6.             Dr. T. Srinivas from IISc, on “Optical Communication”.

7.             Mr. A. Ravikiran from Siemens, on “Mobile communication”

8.             Mr K. Jayaraman on “VLSI and Embedded Systems”

9.             Mr. Charles Santhosam from Phillips on “Broad Band communication”.

10.        On 20.3.2005, a meeting of all the Students Branch Chairs and representatives were arranged with the Chair and Student Activity Chair of Bangalore.  During the meeting, all the participating colleges gave a presentation on the activities of the Branch, which was well received and organized by the Students themselves.

11.        On 29th and 30th March 2005, IEEE Students Branch of UVCE, Bangalore has conducted their annual Technical Fest “IMPETUS 2005”.  The inaugural function was attended by the Students Activity Chair, Mr. K.Ramakrishna. The Vice Chancellor of Bangalore University and IEEE Fellow, Prof. L.M.Patnaik was among the dignitaries in the function.  Wg.Cdr. H.R.Parthasarathy, Treasurer of Section, attended the valedictory.

12.        Students Branch of IEEE, UVCE, Bangalore has received the outstanding student branch council award of Region 10 for the year 2004.  The section proposes to felicitate the Branch during the next Annual General Meeting.

13.        A petition for opening new Students Branch has been sent to Headquarters by Hira Sugar Institute of Technology, Nidasoshi.