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International Symposium on Microwaves - 2004


1 to 3 September 2004


Call for Papers

The IEEE Bangalore Section is organising a half day tutorial and two days symposium to bring together national and international organizations and specialists from the areas of microwave components and subsystems, Opto-electronic devices, MMICs, Antennas, Circuits, Wireless Technologies, Radar sensors, Telecommunication, Microelectronics and test Measurements at Bangalore, the hub of RF activities.

The symposium is being organized by IEEE Bangalore Section and sponsored by IMEC-2004. The Symposium is also being co-sponsored by other fellow Professional Societies and Organisations like IETE Bangalore Centre, IEE (UK) Bangalore, IMAPS and other Government and Non-Government Organisations. The focus area of deliberations would be in the applications of Microwave Technology in the field of Defence, Space, Civilian, Medical, Industrial, Atomic, Energy, CSIR/DIT etc.

Along with the Symposium a three day International Exhibition, International Microwave Electronics and Communication will be held in Bangalore from 1 to 3 September 2004.

About ISM-04

The last couple of decades saw significant increase in the utilization of the microwave spectrum with the telecommunications industry successfully commercializing newer and newer systems operating at higher and higher microwave frequencies. This trend has enabled the production of microwave components and systems in larger quantities in contrast to fewer numbers of defense related products of yesteryears. The reduction in unit cost associated with the bulk production has enabled widespread proliferation of such microwave components and systems. Apart from telecommunications, the digital computer systems are also encroaching the microwave spectrum. With chips already in the market, the industry is focusing on board level interconnects with data transfer rates at several giga bits per second. Newer designs and fabrication technologies such as MEMS for microwave components would help to meet this demand.

The International Symposium on Microwaves is therefore focusing on all areas of microwave engineering and is being held in association with an International Microwave Electronics & Communication Exhibition at the same venue. It is hoped that the coming together of Scientists and Engineers along with industry personnel will largely increase the pace of Microwave related activities in India.


Call for Papers (pdf)

Panel of Committees


Dr. G. Madhavan Nair

Dr V.K. Aatrey

Dr. P.S. Goel

Prof. R.P. Shenoy

Shri. Y. Gopal Rao


Organising Committee

Prof. Selvarajan, IISc., General-Chair

Dr. M.H. Khori, Co-Chair

Shri. Prasad, CRL

Wg. Cmdr. Parthasarathy, C-DOT

Shri. K. Ramakrishna, PGC

Dr. Pandian, WIPRO

Wg.Cmdr. Menon

M.R. Seetharaman, IEE

Dr.K. Sundara Rajan, IETE

Shri. V.R. Kulkarni, Co-pex

Shri. Venkatesh Babu, Co-pex

V.V.Srinivasan , ISRO, Member-Secretary


Advisory Committee

Dr.S. Pal.

Prof. S.V. Sankaran

Prof. A. Kumar, IISc

Prof. K. Rajagopoal, IISc

Dr. K.U. Limaye, LRDE

Dr. K.N. Shankara

Shri. Rama Subba Rao

Shri. H.S. Ramakrishna

Shri. V.P. Sandlass

Dr. George Cleetus

Shri. S.N. Joshi, CEERI


Technical  Committee

Shri. H. Ramakrishna, Chairman

Dr. U.K. Revankar Co-Chair

Prof. T.S. Vedavathy

Dr. Vinoy

Dr. Kalghatgi

Dr. S.B. Sharma, SAC

Dr. S. Cristopher, LRDE

Dr. M.H. Khori, Co-Chair

Shri. Devidas

Shri. V.Mahadevan

Shri. D. Rajagopal – Member Secretary


Financial  Committee

Wg. Cmdr. Parthasarathy, Chairman, C-DOT

Prof. T.S. Vedavathy, Co-Chair

Shri. Devidas

Shri. D. Rajagopal


Call for Papers (pdf)


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(Modified: 01-Jul-2004)