Starting Date of Paper Submission:
1st June, 2011
Deadline for Paper Submission:
19th August, 2011
Notification of Acceptance:
7th October, 2011
Deadline for Camera Ready Paper Submission:
21st October, 2011
Deadline for Registration of Authors:
31st October, 2011
Conference Dates:
4th & 5th November, 2011 |
Detailed Program Schedule:
10:30AM to 10:35AM |
Welcome address by Prof. S. Chakravorti, Chairman, IEEE Calcutta Section |
10:35AM to 10:40AM |
About CalCon11 by Prof. S.K.Sanyal, Organizing Chairman, CalCon11 |
10:40AM to 11:25AM |
Key Note Speech by Sri Rajesh Pandey, IAS, Chairman & Managing Director, WBSEDCL |
11:25AM to 11:30AM |
Vote of Thanks by Mr. S. Kar Chowdhury, Secretary, IEEE Calcutta Section |
EE-005 |
S. Bhattacharya, P.P. Das, R. Kuthial, S. Nandi, S. Sen & S. Chanda |
Contingent Power Network Surveillance Employing Real Time Modeling of SVC |
EE-016 |
I. Bandyopadhyay, S. Das & P. Purkait |
Developing a Rule Base for using Current Concordia Patterns to Identify Faulty IGBT in Induction Motor PWM Drives |
EE-023 |
D. Mukherjee, Goutam Das & P. Purkait |
Effects of External Disturbances on MCSA of Three Phase Induction Motor |
EE-025 |
Prasenjit Basak, S. Chowdhury, S.P. Chowdhury & Sunita Haldar |
Microgrid: An Emerging Concept of Future Power System |
EE-039 |
T.Halder |
Advanced Quasi-Resonant Zero-Voltage switching Flyback Converters |
EE-043 |
Rumpa Saha, Jitendranath Bera & Goutam Sarkar |
A PLL and Sample Shifting Technique based Reactive Power Measurement System |

| Back to Calcon-11 Program Schedule
EC-001 |
S.Chatterjee, D.R.Poddar & R.Ghatak |
Effect of Edge Diffracted Electric Field in a Thin Asymmetric Iris |
EC-014 |
Tamasi Moyra, Susanta Kumar Parui & Santanu Das |
Bandpass Filter using Defected Ground Structure and Defected Microstrip Structure |
EC-015 |
Tamasi Moyra, Susanta Kumar Parui & Santanu Das |
Typical coplanar waveguide low-pass filter using open complementary split ring resonator |
EC-020 |
Taimoor Khan & Asok De |
Neural Design of Circular Patch Microstrip Antennas |
EC-024 |
Swagato Mukherjee, Romita Chaudhuri &
Chinmoy Saha |
Parametric studies of Hexagonal Shaped Split Ring Resonator |

| Back to Calcon-11 Program Schedule
EE-004 |
Syed Mahamud Hossein,
Aditya Kr Samanta, Arunima Mukherjee & Pradip Maiti |
A Compression Algorithm for DNA Sequences based on genetic palindrome sequences and its applications in Genome comparison with Information security |
EE-009 |
Shubhobrata Rudra, Kasturi Ghosh & Suvra Pattanayak |
Robust Adaptive Backstepping Control and its Implementation on Motion Control System |
EE-010 |
Nilanjan Patra & Kalyankumar Datta |
Improved sliding mode controller for Anti-lock Braking System |
EE-011 |
Rupam Kr. Dewan & R.K.Barai |
Fast Kernel Based Object Detection and Tracking for Stereo Vision System |
EE-013 |
A. K. Singha and K.Datta |
Design of PD Controllers for Systems with Time Delay |
EE-014 |
Sayanti Chatterjee, Smita Sadhu & T.K.Ghoshal |
Improved fault detection scheme of an Aircraft Actuator |
Technical Program of Circuits and Systems Chapter
Time: 2:30PM to 6:15PM Venue: H.L. Roy Seminar Hall
2:30PM to 3:15PM |
Next Generation Broadband Optical Communication System in Access Network: Issues and Challenges
Dr. Abhirup Das Barman, Institute of Radio Physics & Electronics, University of Calcutta |
3:15PM to 4:15PM |
OFDM Transmission System: A Multicarrier Technology
Prof. Iti Saha Misra, Dept. of Electronics & Communications Engg, Jadavpur University |
4:15PM to 5:15PM |
Field Programmable Analog Array – Concept, Architecture and Applications
Dr. Amitabha Sinha, Professor & Director, School of Engineering & Technology, West Bengal University of Technology |
5:15PM to 6:15PM |
Wireless Communication Systems
Mr. Biswanath Dhar, General Manager (NOW-CM), Assam Telecom Circle, Guwahati |

| Back to Calcon-11 Program Schedule
EE-008 |
Pragya Nema &
Mrityunjay Kumar Ray |
Modeling of Photovoltaic Energy Conversion System in MATLAB/ Simulink |
EE-019 |
Hiya Roy & Subhojit Chowdhury |
Digitalisation Of A Peak Voltmeter Display And Subsequent Error Minimisation Using Polynomial Compensation Technique |
EE-020 |
H.K.Agarwal, K.Mukherjee, A.K.Pal & P.Barua |
Design & Development of 1200kV Transmission Line and Sub-Station Insulator Hardware Fittings, Clamps & Connectors |
EE-021 |
Vishwanath Gupta &
Paramita Bhaduri Chattopadhyay |
Assessment of transformer condition by using dissolved gas analysis through fuzzy logic |
EE-022 |
Avik Dutta &
Subrata Biswas |
Identification of Power System Loading Topology Using Rough Set Theory (RST) based Classifier |
EE-026 |
Dharmadas Mandal & Provas Kumar Roy |
Optimal Power Flow Using Craziness & Turbulent Crazy Particle Swarm Optimization |
EE-037 |
Purushottam N Padghan & Abhijit Mukherjee |
Biogeography based optimization and its applications – an overview |
EE-046 |
Tulika Bhattacharjee & A.K.Chakraborty |
PSO based Congestion Management in a Deregulated Power System by Rescheduling Of Generators and Demand Side Participation |

| Back to Calcon-11 Program Schedule
EC-005 |
Taraprasad Chattopadhyay,
Prosenjit Bhattacharyya & Sujit Das |
Optical Generation of 60 GHz Millimeter Wave Signal for Radio-Over-Fiber Applications |
EC-006 |
M .Leela Vinoth krishnan, Manoranjan Das, Samit Bandyopadyay & Sudhanshu Srivastav |
A novel control system for Instantaneous compensation of Voltage fluctuation by SMES based DVR |
EC-008 |
Moumita Mukherjee, Diptadip Chakraborty & Arijit Das |
Millimeterwave Characterization of Si IMPATT Oscillator Operating Under Large-Signal Conditions |
EC-009 |
Arijit Das & Diptadip Chakraborty |
Simulation of Intra-pulse Junction Temperature Rise to obtain the Temperature Profile inside a Pulse Silicon DDR IMPATT diode chip for Flat and Ramped Bias Current Pulse |
EC-010 |
P. Mostafa, S. Mukherjee, S. Chatterjee & C. K. Sarkar |
Low Voltage High Precision Comparator for ADC Application |
EC-011 |
S. Mukherjee, P. Mostafa,
S. Chatterjee & C.K. Sarkar |
Miniaturized Variable Gain Amplifier for IF Modulator |
EC-019 |
D. Mandal |
A Cost Effective DSP Processor (TMS320c67xx) Based Heart Sound Detection And Analysis |
EC-021 |
Abhirup Das Barman & Ipsita Sengupta |
Performance analysis of RSOA for wavelength reused upstream transmission in passive optical network |

| Back to Calcon-11 Program Schedule
EE-007 |
Ranita Sen &
Partha Sarathi Pal |
On Level Control of an Overhead Tank using a Capacitive Sensor: Design, Fabrication and Interfacing with NI LabVIEW |
EE-017 |
Bikash Chandra Bera, Shohan Banerjee & Partha Sarathi Pal |
Design and Fabrication of a Hot Wire Anemometer based Wind Velocity and Direction Sensitive Instrument |
EE-027 |
Anirban Nandi, Tathagata Banerjee, Biswajit Bhattacharyya, Debangshu Dey & Sugata Munshi |
A PC Sound Card Based Interface For Transducer Signals |
EE-028 |
Saibal Dutta, Amitava Chatterjee & Sugata Munshi |
Comparison Between Auto-Correlation And Cross-Correlation Based Feature Extraction Methodologies For The Classification Of Clinical Gait Signals |
EE-033 |
Surya Sharma, Ashwin Maniyan & Aakash Bansal |
Design of a low cost Electricity Consumption Monitor |
EE-034 |
Nandita Sanyal, A.Chatterjee & S.Munshi |
Application of adaptive bacterial Foraging optimization algorithm for image segmentation |
EE-044 |
S. Datta, J. N. Bera & S. Chowdhuri |
Zigbee based centralized controller for home appliances |
EE-045 |
Debraj Basu |
Energy Management in Wireless Sensor Networks: An Optimization problem |

| Back to Calcon-11 Program Schedule
Plenary Session
Time: 12:30PM to 1:30PM Venue: K.P.Basu Memorial Hall
Mr. Ashis Kumar Ghoshal, Director (Projects), WBPDCL |
Pumped Storage Power Station |

| Back to Calcon-11 Program Schedule
EE-002 |
Yugarsi Ghosh & Deepayan Bhadra |
Correlations In The Cyclic Pattern Of Temperature And Rainfall Anomalies And Tree-Ring Widths Of Western Australia Using Wavelet Transform |
EE-003 |
Pradip Maiti & Arunima Mukherjee |
Ergonomics Based Decision Support System for Low Back Pain in Industry workers |
EE-018 |
Shohan Banerjee, Bikash Chandra Bera & Partha Sarathi Pal |
Design of A Yaw-Plane Position Control System of Wind Turbine Blades for Optimum Energy Generation |
EE-029 |
Ujjwal Mondal, Rajeev Ranjan Pathak, Anindita Sengupta & Ashoke Sutradhar |
Repetitive Controller in Liquid Level System: A Discrete Wavelet Based Approach |
EE-036 |
P. Bera |
Design of PI-Based TCPS Stabilizer for Power System Using Simulated Annealing Algorithm |

| Back to Calcon-11 Program Schedule
EC-022 |
Ipsita Sengupta & Abhirup Das Barman |
Analysis of intensity modulated OFDM signal by circuit model of SOA |
EC-028 |
Vijay Sharma and Sayani Ghosh, Budhaditya Bhattacharyya & Tamal Chakraborty |
Signal Studio and OPNET Based Performance Analysis of a Typical WiMAX Scenario |
EC-029 |
Chandi Pani (Banerjee)
Sudipto Aich & Sayan Mondol |
SCTP Performance Evaluation over Hierarchical Mobility Management Frameworks |
EC-030 |
Nilanjan Byabarta &
Budhaditya Bhattacharyya |
Implementation of Basic Cognitive Radio Concept Interfacing MATLAB and WARP |
EC-031 |
Tamal Chakraborty, Atri Mukhopadhyay, Budhaditya Bhattacharyya & Sayani Ghosh |
Performance Analysis of Significant Factors Affecting VoIP Phones in Diverse Network Scenarios |

| Back to Calcon-11 Program Schedule
CS-001 |
Dipankar Hazra |
A Modified Centroid-Radii Model for Improved Shape Recognition |
CS-004 |
Debarshi Samajdar & Debarupa Som |
Digital Design of a Spatial Domain Image Watermarking Algorithm |
CS-005 |
Pranab Singha Roy, Amitava Roy, Partha Dhara & Tapas Samanta |
A Framework for Automatic Parallelization of sequential FORTRAN codes |
CS-007 |
Barnali Goswami &
Gupinath Bhandari |
Cloud Motion Prediction Using Mean Path Adjustment Method From Satellite Infrared Images |
CS-010 |
Dorathi Dey, Esha Saha,
Anindya Ghosh & Rashmeeta Das |
Detection and Removal of Malicious Nodes by the Destination in MANET |

| Back to Calcon-11 Program Schedule
EE-015 |
Santanu Das, P. Purkait, S. Dutta, N. Das & S.Saha |
Classification of Induction Motor Stator Winding Inter-turns Faults with Image Processing Tool |
EE-024 |
Santanu Das, P. Purkait & G. Das |
Case Studies on Off-Line Condition Monitoring of Induction Motors in a Large Material Handling Plant |
EE-041 |
Sourish Chatterjee, Payel Maiti & Biswanath Roy |
Experimental assessment of performance based lamp-ballast Compatibility Index for 70W HPSV lamp |
EE-042 |
Sangita Sahana & Biswanath Roy |
Energy saving potential assessment of LED streetlights in comparison with conventional street lights |

| Back to Calcon-11 Program Schedule
EC-003 |
M. Leela Vinoth Krishnan |
An enhanced barrel shifter based BIST scheme for word organized RAMs (EBBSR) |
EC-004 |
Soumyajit Poddar & Santanu Sinha |
An Open Platform for Integrated VLSI Design Flow |
EC-017 |
P.K. Sinha Roy, Soumen Biswas, Sarosij Adak & Biswajit Roy |
A Comparative Study Of Cmos And Cpl 1-Bit Full Adders With Particular Emphasis of Shannon Based Full Adder |
EC-023 |
Soumyajit Gupta, Soumya Banerjee, Anjan Debnath
& Chinmoy Saha |
CAD Tools for Design of RF and Microwave Resonating and Radiating Structures |

| Back to Calcon-11 Program Schedule
EC-012 |
Sayak Ghosh, Chayanika Bose, Shounak Dasgupta & Shounak Dasgupta |
Design and Simulation of Various 2D Photonic Crystal Structures: A Comparative Study |
EC-013 |
Barsha Ghosh & Chayanika Bose |
On Tailoring of Asymmetric Superlattice Energy Band structure |
EC-016 |
C. Mukherjee, S. Mallik, C. Mahata, C. K. Maiti,
G. K. Dalapati, H. Gao, M. K. Kumar & D. Z. Chi |
Characterization of HfO2/SiGe MOS Capacitors Using Inelastic Tunneling Spectroscopy |

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