Since 2008, Daejeon Section in Republic of Korea has encouraged the vivid activities of Student Branches. For the reason, the banners of Student Branches were made and distributed to 5 Student Branches. Every branch will use and display the Branch banners for every IEEE-relating activities. This is expected to encourage the members and also non-members to give more attention to IEEE and its activities. |
IEEE Daejeon Section in Republic of Korea has been proud to be one of the sponsors of the first "Web-Based Open IPTV Workshop", July 2-4, at Jeju Island. During the Workshop, there were lots of informative presentations relating to the technologies for enabling IPTV, and precious discussions among the participants. There were five introductory presentations by professors of Information and Communications University, Korea. Those were about technologies of smart client, middle-ware platform, networking problem relating to web-based IPTV. Also, there were sparkling discussions on scenario and structure for IPTV services to customers. Additionally, since most of the participants were IEEE members and student members, and they talked a lot to find out ways for having the more vigorous activities of IEEE Student Branches. |
The third IEEE Daejeon Section Committee Meeting in 2008 was held on June 25 at Samwon Restaurant, Daejeon, Korea. In the meeting, there was a lively discussion on the co-sponsorship for conference hosted by IEEK Daejeon branch and workshop of CR technology hosted by KIEES. We decided to make flags for every Student Branches within Section which can be used for students to advertise IEEE and its relating activities, resulting in the possible increase of new members. |
The second Committee Meeting in 2008 was held on March 25. In the meeting, there was a lively discussion on the promotion of various activities such as sponsorship of technical activities, recruitment campaign for new students, support of application for upgrading membership and maintenance & update of the web server. The meeting report is as follows: (written in Korean) |
The 8th and 9th International Conference of Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT 2006 and 2007), together with the technical sponsorship of IEEE Daejeon Section, were held so successfully at Phoenix Park, Korea on February 20-22, 2006, and on February 12-14, 2007 individually. The ICACT 2006 consisted of 79 technical sessions with 442 papers from 27 countries and an invited session, where 427 participants joined. The ICACT 2007 provided 426 participants with 70 technical sessions of 432 papers from 26 countries and an invited session with remarkable world experts. ICACT 2008 will be held with some events for our 10th anniversary on Feb. 17-20, 2008 at the same place. ( | |