Chapter of Computational Intelligence Society was formed with Dr. Jayadeva, SMIEEE of Indian Institute of Technology Delhi as
its Interim Chairman on December 24, 2008 and it was subsequently ratified. As
decided by the Section Executive Committee in its meeting on November 26, 2010
Prof. Abdul Q. Ansari, SMIEEE of Jamia Millia Islamia
University, New Delhi took the position of Chapter Chair. He was followed by
Dr. Bijaya Ketan Panigrahi
of Indian Institute of Technology and the Executive Committee of Computational Intelligence Society Chapter of IEEE Delhi Section (as intimated on March 10, 2020 by its Secretary)
consists of the following members:
Sl. No. |
Position |
Name |
Organization |
1. |
Chairperson |
2. |
Vice-Chair |
3. |
Secretary |
4. |
Joint Secretary |
GBU, Greater Noida |
Activities of the Chapter in 2023 may be found under the list of Technical, Professional,
Non-Technical, and Administrative events of the Section.
contacting Chapter Chair use e-mail:
(Consult Consolidated list of Delhi Section for other
Intelligence Society Homepage