A Report on 11th Thomas Alva
Edison Memorial Lecture
He started his talk indicating that
the installation of wind power plants will increase considerably within the
next 20 years. The development will principally be carried out in the offshore
area. In
Only in
Today, wind power plants still
exclusively are attached to medium-high voltage nets. The operators of the
distribution nets are obliged to take on and to pay for the complete energy fed
in. But the new offshore wind parks require a direct connection to the highest
voltage system of 400 kV. Wind
energy can now affect utility system planning and transmission operations.
There are still concerns about the impact of wind power’s variability and
uncertainty on power system reliability and costs. The question is: “Can we
offer the Transmission System Operator (TSO) a power schedule he can rely
on?” His presentation shows the proposal
of an Energy Management System (EMS) for large wind farms.
This presentation was of
interest to all power engineering professionals, who came from academic
institutions as well as power utilities and equipment manufacturers. In all 42
persons attended the event.