A Report on
the 13th Thomas Alva Edison Memorial Lecture by Prof. Ned Mohan
On 24th December, 2009, the Delhi's
13th Thomas Alva Edison Memorial Seminar was delivered by Prof.
Ned Mohan, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of
Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, and IEEE Fellow, on the topic �Research and Education in Sustainable
Electric Energy Systems,� in the Committee Room
(Block II-241, 1st Floor) of the Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Delhi, New Delhi under the aegis of IEEE PES-IAS Delhi
chapter for the year 2009.
It started at 05.30 P.M. and continued for two hours
with good interactive session in-between. Prof.
Mohan has started his talk with worldwide scenario of energy,
covering various sources of energy i.e. coal, oil, gas, wind, solar,
geothermal, wave, nuclear etc. He discussed various aspects of
harnessing maximum power from any of these sources of energy with focus to
preserve the nature by minimization of the hazardous effects of these
extraction processes. He emphasized on the need for education on sustainable
energy systems and discussed various research initiatives taken in this
direction. One such effort is to maximize use of renewable energy systems in
general and wind energy conversion system in particular. He presented many
important issues of wind energy research such as reduction of bearing currents,
use of matrix converters, use of high frequency transformers for power
conversion at the wind tower itself so that the transformer and cable size can
be reduced for power transmission from the wind generator to the base plant. He
also discussed the new trends in the power conversion devices, materials and
the energy storage batteries with emphasis on the sodium sulfur batteries. A
new area of research initiated at University
of Minnesota regarding
use of magnetic fly-wheel for energy storage during off peak hours to be used
later, was also discussed. Some of energy efficiency aspects in the transport
sector by use of electric or hybrid electric vehicles were also presented in
detail. On the appliances front he explained about an initiative to improve the
efficiency of the ceiling fans by use of permanent magnet brushless dc motors,
lighting systems, hybrid cars etc.
He explained a detailed curriculum
on electric energy system which has been started at University of Minnesota, USA,
as an initiative with a larger goal to achieve breakthrough in understanding
and development of sustainable energy systems. This curriculum development is a
combination of three main courses in electrical engineering i.e. Electric
Drives, Power Systems and Power Electronics. Many other courses are also part
of the curriculum, which support the understanding of these courses and later
these concepts can be used to develop new systems with better efficiency and
reliability. He presented that in the USA this has resulted in a
commendable growth of students in these areas in the recent past and expected
to grow even better in near future. He expressed his interest to implement
similar courses in Indian universities also to increase the understanding about
the electrical energy systems among the students at UG as well as PG
This presentation was of interest to
all power, energy, power electronics engineering professionals, who came from
academic institutions as well as power utilities and equipment manufacturers.
In all 40 persons (9 IEEE Members and 31 others) attended this event.


Audience at EE Dept
Committee Room of Indian Institute of Technology Delhi attending lecture of Prof Ned Mohan
Prof. Ned Mohan (left) being presented memento by Prof. Bhim Singh (right), IEEE PES-IAS Delhi
Chapter Chair