A Report on
the 14th Thomas Alva Edison Memorial Lecture by
Prof. Juan Manuel Martín-Sánchez
The 14th Thomas Alva Edison Memorial Seminar was delivered by
Prof. Juan Manuel Martin-Sanchez,
IEEE Fellow, adaptive-predictive control expert from Spain. The lecture ‘Optimized
adaptive control & industrial applications’ was conducted on
September 15, 2010 in the Committee Room (Block II-241, 1st Floor) of the
Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Delhi, New Delhi under the aegis of
IEEE PES-IAS Delhi chapter for the year 2010.It started at 05.30 P.M. and
continued up to 7.30 P.M. with good interactive session in-between. Prof. Sanchez has started his talk with Manual
control, Automation control (PID Controllers and Expert Systems) and at last
with Advanced Control (Adaptive Predictive Control) and Adaptive Predictive
Expert ADEX Control. He discussed various aspects of control of PID controllers
and experience to tune the PID controllers, instead of calculating the poles
and zeros and look for stability limit. He emphasized on the need for proper
and simple control for energy conservation. He derived a simple process control
algorithm for temperature of intelligent building. Later he has discussed on
predictive control and optimized control with its adaptation. The discussion on the changes in the
variables or perturbations that affect the process has two effects firstly the
control variable is deviated from the set point and the dynamics of the process
are modified.
Predictive Control is an advanced tool but it is incomplete. In order to
be a complete solution, it needs an adaptive mechanism capable of adjusting the
parameters of the predictive model when the process dynamics change. He has
discussed about his US
patent No 4,197,576 dated 8 Apr 1980 on adaptive-predictive control system. The
patent deals with adaptive-predictive control system for controlling
single-input single-output, or multivariable time-variant processes known or
unknown parameters and with or without time delay is discussed. He also
discussed what exists inside the adaptive-predictive controller and how it is
working. He also discussed on one of his European and International patents on
adaptive-predictive control. A new control area of research by Prof. Sanchez at ADEX Control Company in Madrid, Spain
is been discussed and its products. This company deals with process control of
cement and air-conditioning plants for energy conservation. He explained about the one of his products on
Optimized Temperature Control in a Coal-fired Plant of Scottish Power and how
it improved the efficiency of the plant. He discussed the difference between
the conventional control and ADEX control. This presentation was of interest to
all power and control engineering professionals, who came from academic
institutions as well as power utilities and equipment manufacturers. In all 60
persons (7 IEEE Members and 53 others) attended this event.


Audience at EE
Dept Committee Room of Indian Institute of Technology Delhi attending lecture
of Prof Juan Manuel Martin -Sanchez


Welcome speech
by Dr. Sukumar, IEEE PES-IAS Delhi Chapter
Prof. Sanchez with Dr. Sukumar and
Research Scholars of Electrical Engineering Department IIT Delhi
During the trip earlier, a seminar on ‘Optimized
Adaptive Control of industrial processes focusing on those applications in which
energy savings, reduced emissions and improved efficiency add significant value’
was also delivered by Prof. Juan
Manuel Martin-Sanchez, IEEE Fellow, adaptive-predictive control expert from Spain.
The seminar was conducted in the Committee Room, Faculty of Engineering &
Technology, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi-110025, on September 14, 2010 under the
aegis of IEEE PES-IAS Delhi chapter. It started at 12.30 P.M. with good
interactive session in-between and lasted for an hour.
This presentation was of interest to all power and control engineering
professionals, who came from academic institutions as well as power utilities
and equipment manufacturers. In all 34 persons (4 IEEE Members and 30 others)
attended this event.


Welcome speech
by Prof. Mini Thomas, Jamia Millia Islamia Delhi
Audience at EE
Dept Committee Room of Jamia Millia
Islamia New Delhi attending lecture of Prof Sanchez


Prof. Sanchez (left) being presented memento by Prof. Mini Thomas(right), Jamia
Millia Islamia New Delhi
Prof. Sanchez with Audience at Electrical Engineering
Department, Jamia Millia Islamia New