A Report on 9th Thomas Alva Edison Memorial Lecture and associated Workdhop

PES Distinguished Lecturer (DL) Dr. Nils Flataboe, Norway accompanied by his wife in his visit to Chapters / Sections in the Asia-Pacific Region landed in Delhi in the early hours of September 13, 2005. After resting a while, in the day time they had a tour of the city of Delhi with PES Regional Representative Asia-Pacific Dr. Subrata Mukhopadhyay.

Following day evening PES DL delivered the 9th Edison Memorial Lecture on ‘Deregulation of Electricity Industry in Nordic Countries’ in the Committee Room of EE Dept of Indian Institute of Technology Delhi. He emphasized mostly the issue of economics and proper operation of power system under deregulated environment. It had about 50 participants from academia as well as industries. His presence was also utilized to have a two-day IEEE Workshop on Deregulated Power System and Distributed Generation on 14-15 Sep-2005.

The workshop was by inaugurated on 14.9.05 at 10 a.m. by H.O.D electrical engineering IIT Delhi, with Prof. Bhim Singh and Dr S. Mishra being the coordinator. Dr. S. Mukhopadhyay was also present in the dais as a representative of IEEE Delhi Section. It was attended by 24 persons out of which 21 were from academics and 3 from industries. Seven eminent speakers both from academics and industries gave lecture on different topics.

Dr Nil Flataboe gave his lecture on deregulation of electricity industry in the background of developments in the Nordic countries. Prof. S. S. Murthy, of department of electrical engineering, at IIT Delhi gave a research oriented as well as informative talk on decentralized power generation using small hydro potential. He put forth his views on its application in Indian context.

Dr M. L. Kothari, emeritus professor in the department of electrical engineering, at IIT Delhi, presented the issues related to operation of restructured power system and the management of ancillary services. He particularly emphasized on the role of AGC in restructured power system environment.

Dr S. Mishra, assistant professor in the department of electrical engineering, at IIT Delhi, discussed about the modeling and operation of fuel cell. He also discussed the potential of this hydrogen energy source in Indian context.

Prof. Bhim Singh, of department of electrical engineering, IIT Delhi addressed an important issue of interfacing the distributed sources to the grid network through power electronics devices. He described briefly about different interfacing schemes.

Dr B. K. Panigrahi, assistant professor in the department of electrical engineering, at IIT Delhi, delivered a nice talk on the socio-economic environmental aspects of deregulated power market.��

Prof T. S. Bhatti of center for energy studies, IIT Delhi critically discussed the different problems in wind power turbine and its elimination.

The concluding ceremony was held on 15.09.05 at 6.00 p.m. The certificates to the participants were distributed by Dr S. Mukhopadhyay.�������������

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