Welcome to the IEEE NSW Section,
“Communications and Signal Processing Joint Chapter” local
activities for 2007.
This year the joint Comsig Chapter committee
Chair – Sam Reisenfeld
Secretary – David Burger
We will schedule a number of lectures during
the year as well as hosting two topical conferences. Refer to
the IEEE NSW Section main webpage for NEWS and the detailed
events calendar. [Hint; the PDF events file is the
easiest to read]
There will be focus on the rapidly advancing
areas of Wireless Communications and Wireless Networks and their
applications. Other important areas in Communications and
Signal Processing will also be covered. Our lectures provide
excellent background information on topics valuable to you, and
highlight the extensive knowledge base we have access to. The
lecture meetings provide an excellent opportunity for you to
meet with many of your colleagues from industry, government,
research laboratories, and the universities. I look forward to
meeting you at our 2007 local activities.

Best regards,
A/Prof Sam Reisenfeld,
IEEE NSW; ComSig Chapter Chair 2007
ICT Group, Faculty of
University of Technology, Sydney
Building 1, Level 24, 1 Broadway
Broadway, NSW 2007
Phone: +61 (0)2 9514