Available Resources
Awards and Competitions
IEEE Student Branch Competition
Call for 2008 IEEE R10 Student Congress - Host Team
Australian Council Student Branch Competition
IEEE Student Congress
An IEEE Student Congress is held annually in Region 10,
typically in July. The IEEE NSW Section offers sponsorship for
one NSW student to attend, and covers basic costs only and
registration fees. Express interest/proposal direct to the IEEE
NSW committee in April.
Student Paper contest awards
The Student Paper contest awards available to Students in NSW
(and Australia ?) are conducted annually with paper/.pdf
submissions due to the committee mid January typically. These
awards are the:
- “Max Simons IEEE NSW Section Student Paper Award”;
- “IEEE Australia Council Student Paper Award” [ in
abeyance since 2002].; and
- “IEEE Region 10 Student Paper Contest”.
All student papers received are eligible for the “Max Simons
Student Paper Award”, and the top 2 papers received are
automatically elevated by the IEEE NSW Section to the IEEE
Australia Council and Region 10 Contests. The “Max Simons
Student Paper Award” carries a monetary prize and a sponsored
dinner at the IEEE NSW Section AGM held on the last Friday
evening of November each year. Refer to Section Archives for
previous winners of the “Max Simons IEEE NSW Section Student
Paper Award”.
The detailed selection / evaluation criteria for all papers
are detailed at the IEEE Australia Council website and comprise
the following:
Undergraduate & Postgraduate Paper selection criteria:
- Problem Statement
- Significance
- Contribution
- Originality
- Solution Method
- Discussion
- Spelling and Grammar
- Readability
- Tables and Figures
- Organisation and Layout
- Development of Argument
- Does the paper contain any technical errors?
2007 Joint Lecture Program
A student paper presentation can be scheduled in the annual
IEEE lecture program to provide students a forum for joint
Engineers Australia and IEEE involvement. Express
interest/proposal direct to the IEEE NSW committee.
200 free student memberships program
sponsored memberships are held each year and are open to
undergraduate EE, computer and science related engineering
students in NSW Universities. These are issued on 1st in basis –
noting it is basic membership only and excludes membership costs
to individual IEEE societies.
IEEE & NSW Universities
The IEEE NSW Section has an initiative to establish a
“mentoring” connection between the Section and Student branches
within NSW. The mentoring contacts can provide assistance into
making a connection between Section events and also guiding
inactive Student Branches back into activity. The following
nominations show representatives for each University in NSW;
- University of Newcastle, Dr Ian Boyd;
- University of Wollongong, Prof Philip Ogunbona;
- Macquarie University, Dr Karu Esselle;
- University of Technology Sydney, Dr Trevor Bird;
- University of NSW, Ms Stephanie Boyd;
- University of Western Sydney, Prof Mahmoud Nagrial;
- University of Sydney, Mr David Burger;
- Charles Sturt University, Mr David Tien.
- University of New England (none identified)
- Southern Cross University (none identified)
- Australian Graduate School of Management (none
IEEE Structure in Australia [click to enlage image]