Computer Society Events 2007
event: Wide-Area, Low Frame-Rate Video Exploitation,
13th July 2007
Date/Time: 11:00am, Friday 13th July
Venue: The University of Queensland, St Lucia, General
Purpose South Bldg 78, Room 420
Dr Reid Porter is a researcher at the Los Alamos
National Laboratories in New Mexcio, USA.
Geographically referenced (geo-spatial) video
acquisition systems are now in practical use. Wide area
imaging sensors are placed on helicopters, balloons,
small aircraft or unmanned aerial vehicle and
geographically referenced video is communicated to a
ground station in real-time. Compared to satellite
imagery, which provides data at time scales of months or
years, geo-spatial video provides data to observe and
model temporal phenomena at time scales of seconds or
Geo-spatial video exploitation presents new challenges
for computer vision researchers. First, many objects of
interest (e.g. vehicles and people) cover very few
pixels and therefore specific recognition is very
difficult. Second, moving object detection in this
imagery is an unsolved problem. Data arrives at about 1
or 2 frames per second, which means point-like moving
objects move anywhere from 1 to 200 pixels. In addition,
the oblique viewing angles and incomplete digital
elevation maps mean buildings and other landmarks suffer
from parallax. This introduces a large amount of motion
clutter. Finally, registration is often required in
real-time and is therefore approximate, e.g., stationary
objects might move up to 30 pixels over a short period
of time. All these factors combined lead to unique, and
extremely difficult recognition and tracking problems.
In this talk we will describe recent algorithmic work
which aims to address these challenges, which includes a
novel combination of object detection, moving object
detection, and anomaly detection. We present initial
results for a variety of recognition and tracking
problems and will discuss future work in this area.
Holmes, 26th April 2007
On the 26th of April we held a successful event jointly
with the Engineers Australia IT & EE subcommittee.
Neville Holmes joined us for the evening to discuss the
nature of the computing profession. Lively debate
followed, which is always a sign of a good presentation.
Slides from Neville's presentation are available
Mr Holmes is an Honorary Research Associate in the
School of Computing at The University of Tasmania,
Australia. After graduating from Melbourne University,
he spent two years as a patent examiner before working
as a systems engineer at IBM Australia for thirty
years. Taking early retirement, he took up teaching
about computing at the tertiary level in Tasmania. Mr
Holmes was a foundation memory of the Victorian Computer
Society and was awarded the 1974 ANCAAC Medal for his
paper “The Social Implications of the Australian
Computer Society.” Since 2000 he has been editing and
writing the feature column “The Profession” for the IEEE
Computer Society's flagship magazine Computer.