- 09-02-2017: Technical Seminar "Data-Driven Computing for Smart Vehicles", by Dr Yajun Ha, ShanghaiTech University, China.
- 30-03-2017: Technical Seminar "Open 5G Platform", by Dr Yang Yang, Chinese Academy of Sciences & ShanghaiTech University, China.
- 07-04-2017: Technical Seminar "Medical Informatics: Data Analytics in Healthcare", by Dr Liu Nan, Singapore General Hospital & Duke-NUS Medical School, Singapore.
- 16-05-2017: Technical Seminar "Chanllenges and Solutions for Automotive Security & Privacy", by Dr H. Gregor Molter, Head of Security & Privacy Research Embedded Systems, Security & Privacy Competence Center, SCC, Cross Divisional Systems & Technology - Corporate S&T, Continental Teves AG & Co. oHG, Germany.
- 23-05-2017: Distinguished Lecture "An Anatomy of Social Media Popularity", by Dr Lexing Xie, Austrialian National University, Australia.
- 27-06-2017: Technical Talk "Circuit Level Optimization of Fixed-coefficient Digital FIR Filters", by Dr Yajun Yu, South University of Science and Technology, China.
- 27-06-2017: Technical Talk "New Developments: Promoting the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Activities", by Prof Yong Lian (IEEE CASS President-Elect).
- 25-07-2017: Technical Talk "Graph Signal Processing: Techniques for Processing of Numerical Data Defined over Irregular Domain", by Dr David Tay, La Trobe University, Australia.
- 10-08-2017: Technical Talk "Rate-Distortion Optimization for Sparse Coding in Image Compression", by Prof Nam Ling, Santa Clara University, U.S.A.
- 18-08-2017: Distinguished Lecture "Chanllenges and Opportunities of Circuits and Systems on Internet of Things", by Dr. Yen-Kuang Chen, Intel Corporation, U.S.A.
- 26-10-2017: Technical Talk "Design Automation of Cyberphysical Systems: System-Level Approaches for Energy-Aware Electric Vehicle Design and Management", by Prof Naehyuck Chang, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea.
An Anatomy of Social Media PopularityDr. Lexing Xie, Associate Professor, Australian National University, AustraliaOrganized by IEEE Circuits and Systems Singapore Chapter & Centre for Infocomm Technology (INFINITUS), School of EEE, NTU "Sponsored by the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society under its Distinguished Lecturer Program" |
Date : 23 May 2017 (Tuesday) Time : 2.30 PM - 3.30 PM Venue : Executive Seminar Room S2.2-B2-53 |
Speaker BiographyLexing Xie is Associate Professor in the Research School of Computer Science at the Australian National University, she leads the ANU Computational Media lab (https://cm.cecs.anu.edu.au), and is also affiliated with the machine learning research group at NICTA. She was research staff member at IBM T.J. Watson Research Center in New York from 2005 to 2010, and adjunct assistant professor at Columbia University 2007-2009. She received B.S. from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Columbia University, all in Electrical Engineering. Her research interests are in machine learning, multimedia, social media. Of particular recent interest are stochastic time series models, neural network for sequences, and active learning, applied to diverse problems such as multimedia knowledge graphs, modeling popularity in social media, social recommendation. Lexing's research has received six best student paper and best paper awards between 2002 and 2015, and a Grand Challenge Multimodal Prize at ACM Multimedia 2012. She currently serves an associate editor of ACM Trans. MM, ACM TiiS and PeerJ Computer Science. Her service roles include the program and organizing committees of major multimedia, machine learning, web and social media conferences. |