Author's kit

All  accepted  Powercon2004 papers  MUST  be presented by one of the authors, who must pay the necessary registration fee and attend the conference in person.  Authors of accepted full papers must register in advance (by September 10, 2004). Only accepted full papers accompanied by registration monies (by the specified deadline) will be scheduled for presentation at the conference, and for inclusion in the conference proceedings (Cd-Rom). Each  advance registration is valid for up to two accepted papers for  " regular fee " paying authors, and  for one accepted paper for student registrations. Additional paper(s) will require additional registrations.  Normal registration (after September 10, 2004) is meant for delegates and not for presenting authors.

All Powercon2004 papers will be included in the database of IEEE Xplorer. Hence, the paper must be formatted according to the guidelines from IEEE Power Engineering Society, which can be found at

However, to simplify your preparation of paper for submission to Powercon2004, we have placed the necessary files and samples here for you to use.

The IEEE conference paper templates can also be found here.

In summary, the paper should follow the following guidelines:

  • in double column format
  • limited to 6 pages
    (papers longer than 6 pages are subjected to an extra charge of S$150 per page)
  • converted into PDF format with all fonts embedded in the file

Please submit the full paper (in PDF file) electronically through our web submission system. We will request you to submit your duly signed IEEE copyright form after your full paper is accepted for presentation at the conference.

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