Submission Procedure
are invited to submit Abstracts (up to 500 words) to the Conference via the
website on or before 1 March 2004. All
submitted abstracts will be reviewed and the corresponding author will be
notified by email regarding the provisional acceptance/rejection by 2 April
2004. The submission deadline for uploading the full papers on the
conference website is 21 May 2004. All submitted full papers will be
reviewed and the corresponding authors will be notified regarding the final
acceptance/rejection by 30 July 2004. Upon final acceptance, authors will
be required to register and present their papers. Papers will only be published
in the conference proceedings and scheduled for oral presentation if at least
one author is registered for the conference.
All accepted papers must be accompanied by paid conference
registration, and at least one of the authors must attend the conference and
present the paper. Each registration is valid for up to two accepted papers for
regular fee-paying authors, and only one accepted paper for student
registrations. Additional paper(s) will require additional registrations.