IEEE Japan Chapter
Antennas and Propagation Society

 IEEE AP-S Distinguished Lecturer Sarkar教授特別講演


皆様におかれましては,ご清栄のこととお喜び申し上げます.さて,Distinguished Lecturer
                      IEEE AP-S Japan Chapter Chair: 伊藤公一(千葉大)


    TEL: 03-3571-3151

講師:Prof. T. K. Sarkar (Syracuse University, USA)

題目:"Generation of Broadband Electromagnetic Response from DC to Daylight on
    Your PC"


      フォーマット」に「御氏名」および「御所属」をご記入の上,吉村博幸宛 までご返信願います.申込〆切:11/26(月)

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IEEE AP-S Japan Chapter Secretary 吉村博幸

−IEEE AP-S Japan Chapter 特別講演会(11/27(火)15時)−
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主催:IEEE AP-S Japan Chapter

講演概要:In traditional computational electromagnetics analysis is carried out
exclusively in either the time or the frequency domain. For analyzing electrically
large problems, new methodology which will be numerically stable and computationally
efficient under all circumstances has been demanded. By utilizing early time and low
frequency data which are the mutually complementary data, we can generate the
complete electromagnetic response of any object. The simultaneous extrapolation
in time and frequency domains is carried out by using these data through the use of
the Associate Hermite Polynomials which are the eigenfunctions of the Fourier
Transform operator. This implies that if the time domain response from any
electromagnetic object at a point in space is modeled by an Associate Hermite
Series expansion, the frequency domain response at the same point can be
expressed as a scaled version of the same time domain representation. Examples
will be presented to illustrate the efficiency and accuracy of this methodology.

講師略歴:Tapan Kumar Sarkar received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Syracuse
Univ.; Syracuse, NY in 1975. He was with the TACO Div. of the General Instruments
Corp (1975-1976). He was with the Rochester Inst. of Tech., Rochester, NY (1976-
1985). He was a Research Fellow at the Gordon McKay Lab., Harvard Univ., Cambridge,
MA (1977-1978). He is now a Prof. in the Dep. of Electrical and Computer Eng.,
Syracuse Univ. His current research interests deal with numerical solutions of
operator equations arising in electromagnetics and signal processing with application
to system design. He has authored or coauthored more than 210 journal articles and
has written chapters in 28 books and ten books including "Iterative and Self Adaptive
Finite-Elements in Electromagnetic Modeling" (Artech House, 1998). He received the
Best Paper Award of the IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility in 1979
and in the 1997 National Radar Conference. He has been appointed U.S. Research
Council Representative to many URSI General Assemblies.

作成した簡略版です.正式版につきましては, の左側にある
"Distinguished Lecturers"をクリックされ,ご確認下さい)

お問い合わせ先:吉村博幸 (Hiroyuki Yoshimura), IEEE AP-S Japan Chapter Secretary
千葉大学工学部都市環境システム学科 (通信環境システム分野)
〒263-8522 千葉市稲毛区弥生町1-33
TEL: 043-290-3932, FAX: 043-290-3933, E-mail:

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