Adaptive Beam Forming


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Adaptive Beam Forming


Antennas Filter Signals Based Upon Angle of Arrival

Simplifying Assumptions

Antennas Are Angle Of Arrival Filters

Antenna patterns can be found by evaluating the Z-transform of the weights, w, at points along the unit circle.

Array Pattern is DFT of Weighting

Maximizing Signal-to-Thermal-Noise Ratio

Analogies hold for all Z-transform properties

Steering is accomplished with a linear phase progression across the array.

Tapering the illumination pattern lowers sidelobes - reduces the nominal interferer for an unknown angle of arrival

The product of illuminations results in the convolution of the corresponding patterns (i.e. delta pattern).

The product of illuminations results in the convolution of the corresponding patterns (i.e. low sidelobe delta pattern).

Adaptive Beam Forming Utilizes Dynamic Weight Coefficients

Optimum Linear Filtering Maximizes the Signal-to-Interference plus Noise Ratio (SINR)


Derivation of Optimum Weight Vector

Derivation (cont’d)

Derivation (cont’d)

Derivation (cont’d)

Derivation (cont’d)

The scale factor ? for the optimal weight w is arbitrary.

Covariance Matrix Basics

SINR Loss is the primary performance metric

Cancellation Ratio

PPT Slide

PPT Slide

Covariance Matrix Estimation

Covariance Matrix Estimation (cont’d)

Data Domain Method

Jammer Cancellation with Linear Arrays

Jammer Cancellation with Linear Arrays

PPT Slide

PPT Slide

PPT Slide

Diagonal Loading for Pattern Control

A Final Word About Covariance Matrix Estimation

Adaptive Beamforming Consists of Two Steps; Weight Calculation and Weight Application

Weighting receiver outputs to best match a desired sequence steers the antenna toward the desired signal.

Weighting receiver outputs to best match a desired sequence steers the antenna toward the desired signal.

An adaptive receiver forms a beam in the direction of the desired signal while simultaneously steering nulls in the direction of interferers and multipath reflections.

Author: Mike Pascale
