GMR-1 Burst Examples: RACH
- Modulation: p/4-QPSK
- Symbol rate: 23.4 ksps
- Burst duration: 15 ms
- CRC protection: 8-bit for class 1 & 12-bit for class 2
- Coding: convolutional with mother code of r=1/4 and K=5 (class 1 repeated once; class 2 punctured half)
- Information bits: 12 bits for class 1 & 123 bits for class 2
- Coded bits: 382 bits (112 bits for class 1 & tail and 270 bits for class 2)
- Interleaving: 14X8 & 33x8
- Typical search aperture: 25 ms & +/-1.5 kHz
- C1T = Class 1 & tail (48+8 sym)
- C2 = Class 2 (135 sym)
- UW = Unique word (17 sym)
- CW = Continuous wave (32 sym)
- G = Guard (2.5 sym)
- D = Dummy (1 sym)