The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.


IEEE Baltimore Section

IEEE Section Meeting

12 August  2002

Attendees [Presence indicated by check mark (Ö )]

Ö Vil Arafiles Chair

Ö Jeff Friedhoffer Vice Chair

Ö Hoosam Bandukwala Treasurer

Heath Bebout - Chair AES

Ö Robert Berkovits- Chair EMC

 Dave Boyd – Annapolis Subsection

Ö Carole Carey – ESB and Publications

Ö Joe Carl- Newsletter Chair

Ö John Dentler Area Chair Maryland

Ö Bill Dixon – PACE

 Boris Gramatikov – Chair EMB

Ö Neville Jacobs – Student Activities

Tina Kohler – WIE

Garth MacKenzie – Chair Computer chapter

Ö Tom Patton - Awards

Ö Kirk Rae – Chair PES

Walt Willing - Chair Reliability

Visitors for COMSOC Presentation

  1. The meeting started at 6:30 PM with a presentation by Dr. Miro Kraetzl, South Australia Section Vice Chair,  on "Detection and Forecasting of Anomalous Events in Dynamic Telecommunications Networks"  This was a joint meeting with the Baltimore COMSOC chapter.
  1. New Business
    1. This was a short meeting  to discuss section congress actions
    2. Motion passed  - To send four members to the Sections congress on complimentary registration supplied by the IEEE.  The four members a Vil Arafiles, Hoosam Bandukwala, Joe Carl and Neville Jacobs. 
    3. Motion  passed - To have the section fund one representative from each chapter that has completed at least two technical meetings by 15 October 2002. 
    4. Motion passed - The section will pay for four hotel rooms for the section congress attendees in 2b.
    5. John Dentler requested help for partners of members to take visitors on tours in Washington.   Partners who participate for at least four hours will get complementary tickets to all events.
    6. Neville Jacobs requested help in manning the robot project demo booth
    7. Neville Jacobs reported that one part for the robot kit is no longer being manufactured by the company that we had purchased it from.  He is getting quotes form a company in China to supply the part.
    8. Brian Sequeira will be assuming the position of secretary in Sept 2002.

8. Action items

  1. Jeff Friedhoffer will check the chapters that have had meetings to see which are eligible to have funding from the section for the sections congress meeting,
  1. The meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM


Jeff Friedhoffer

Vice Chair, Baltimore Section