Robot Challenge 2024
Key Dates

2024 Our 28th challenge!

Results and Pictures 2024.







IEEE Robot Challenge is a fun filled adventure for Middle and High School students to build and compete walking robots. Along the way they will learn working as a team, using hand tools, 3-D printing or wood working, and programing the robot to walk.

This project takes about 20 hours to complete. In April the teams enter into a competition based on how well their robot performs, the teams engineering workbook, and their oral report to a group of judges.

The cost of entry starts at less than $70. A perfect project for a Tech Ed class. The students get to apply what they have learned.


For more information, please contact Don Herres


Challenge Dates:


2024 Key Dates have not yet been announced, but the Challenge will probably be held the last week in April, 2024 - using 21 hours as the average time needed to complete the program for a 2-leg robot, you will be able to estimate when you could begin this activity in school. The Key dates for the 2024 Challenge:


Saturday April 27, 8:45 AM - 3:00 PM online

Sunday April 28, 8:45 AM - 3:00 PM In-Person

(Participants need be present on during track run and oral presentation, not full day)

Awards Ceremony - Sunday April 28 5:00 PM OnLine



Robot Challenge Video right click on link and chose open in new tab

For First Time Viewers, what is this all about





Robot Videos from IEEE



If you are a past participant of the Robot Challenge: Please click here

For more information, contact us at Don Herres



Paper Presented at ITEEA national meeting


Presentation about Robot Challenge

Paper presented at ITEA

Engineering as a Career
Video about Engineering

The members of the Baltimore Section of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) has organized this annual event to give students a taste of what it’s like to be an engineer.


If you have any questions, please send them
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