Uploaded August 11, 2002 to ncac/minutes as ncac0604final.html

IEEE National Capital Area Council (NCAC) Meeting

Tuesday June 4, 2002
Location: Allie's American Grill, Bethesda Marriott.
Meeting following the Washington Section's Meeting and Dinner.


1. Call to Order, Welcome and Approval of Agenda
Call to order after the Washington Section's meeting at 8:45 PM.

2. Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes
Concerning the minutes of the NCAC meeting of May 7, 2002.
Motion to Approve: Howard Needham, second Ron Aasen
The minutes were approved unanimously and are now on the NCAC web site as ncac0507final.html

3. Chairman's Remarks

3a. NoVa proposed Withdrawal.  Saj was pleased to note that the Washington Section Adcom just had approved a motion by Jerry Gibbon to support NCAC. The motion approved unanimously on June 4, 2002 reads as follows:

Resolved that the Washington Section shall continue to retain the National Capital Area (NCA) Council as an efficient and effective IEEE organization for coordinating activities with the Northern Virginia Section.

3b. Ballot Count. The Ballots concerning the NoVa Withdrawal will be will be counted June 6th at 6 pm at the Tysons Corner Marriott. Jan Aminoff and Jim Allen will represent NCAC and Jerry Gibbons will represent WS.

3c. SCANNER. The July August issue will have two pages of photos from the awards dinner. Since there is less than usual activity in the Summer months space does not appear to be a problem in this issue.

4. Treasurer's Report
Howard Needham presented the Treasurers report for May. After payment of the May/June Scanner invoice and the IEEE office, the balance in the current account is $7537.39, and $ 2,014.01 in the Merchant account as of the latest statement d. 4/30/02. This is consistent with the current budget which assumes the payment of the sections' third quarterly contribution in July.

5. New Business

5a. Awards. Saj invited all Council Officers and Steering Committee members to nominate individuals who deserve recognition through Section, Council and RAB awards. Nominations and accompanying data should be sent to Ron Aasen.

5b. Continuing Education. Haik Biglari offered to present a course on Matlab and Simulink free of charge. He said he had given such courses in Huntsville, requiring 16 hours with access to a computer for each participant. Saj applauded this and said that we could arrange it at the University of Maryland or a similar facility in NOVA, on two Saturdays in September or October. He suggested that we announce it in the SCANNER's July/ August issue, to assess the members' preference regarding location and timing. Haik agreed to write a course description and send it to Bill Kelly and Karen Winstedt in the next day or two - before the deadline of June 6 set by Karen.

6. Next Month's Meeting:
Regular meetings of the NCAC officers and AdCom will continue to be held according to the schedule set in the beginning of the year. Thus, the NCAC officers will meet informally immediately after the NoVa AdCom meeting on June 12, in order to review results of the NoVa ballot and discuss the necessary follow-on actions with officers of the two sections.

7. Adjournment

Motion to Adjourn in due course. Meeting adjourned at 9:20 PM.

Respectfully Submitted
Jan Aminoff
Secretary, NCAC

Attendance List

Saj Durrani, Chair, NCAC
Howard Needham, Treasurer, NCAC
Jan Aminoff, Secretary, NCAC
Jerry Gibbon, NCAC Chair of Conferences Standing Committee
Ron Aasen, NCAC Chair of Awards Standing Committee
Haik Biglari, NCAC Chair of Continuing Education Standing Committee