Washington Section Nominating Committee 2000

The Washington Section has appointed a "nominating committee" consisting of the following to nominate a slate of candidates for the Section elections for the year 2000. The new Section officers will assume their office on January 1, 2000.

Chair- Jerry Gibbon, j.t.gibbon@ieee.org, 202-482-2265
Vice-Chair- Don Rickerson, d.rickerson@ieee.org, 202-651-3912
Ex-officio Member- Satish Aggarwal, sa@ieee.org, 301-415-6005

At the May 4 Section meeting we elected four Directors (Their term of the office will expire on December 31, 1999):

*Howard Needham, howardn@ieee.org , 301-444-3802
*Xianhu Yang, xyang@ieee.org, 202-223-8808
*Karun Bakshi, karun.bakshi@comsat.com, 301-428-4673
*Dominique Dagenais, dagenais@ecs.nre.navy.mil, 202-767-9347

We still have a number of positions to fill including three more directors, PACE coordinator, and student activity's coordinator. Experience as a chapter officer is preferred but not required.

Please nominate yourself or some else for these positions for the current year as well as for 2000. Many hands make light work. We have a number of projects that need to be coordinated in the Washington Section. Your participation is important. Call or write to any of the nominating committee members now. Please provide a short biography of the nominee.

The Nominations Committee plans to have a preliminary slate of nominations ready in July 1999 for presentation at the Wash Section Excom Committee meeting and publication in the SCANNER Magazine; applicants for nomination will remain open until the local IEEE Election Meeting which is tentatively scheduled in November 1999.