Thank all of you who voted for me to serve you as Chair of the Northern Virginia Section. I look forward to working closely with the other recently elected leaders of the section and the dedicated volunteers that have made the Northern Virginia Section a viable entity. It is my desire to continue the work done in the past and continue to increase the value of the section to both its members and the community as a whole.
The Northern Virginia Section is one of the largest sections in all of IEEE, and in cooperation with the Washington Section, its location in the Washington, DC area enables it to benefit the entirety of Region 2. Additionally, the Northern Virginia Section is the only Virginia section in Region 2; the other four are in Region 3, but the Section occasionally works closely with the other Virginia sections. In the past, we have cooperated on Scouting projects and on education, but we can do much more with more volunteers. The most immediate needs are for help judging local science fairs, and help with Engineers Week activities in the Washington area.
Northern Virginia either sponsors or co-sponsor twenty-five technical chapters and five affinity groups. I invite you to participate in technical chapter and affinity group meetings, which provide a means to help stay technically relevant and to network with fellow engineers. Meeting times and dates are in the Scanner.
I am always open to hear from you - ideas, compliments or complaints. Contact me at:
Jim Magee
Chair, IEEE Northern Virginia Section