IEEE Computer Society, Huntsville, Alabama


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IEEE Huntsville, Alabama Computer Society
Officer Biographies

Jim Anderson has been married to his wife Carol since 1963. They have four grown children, eight grandchildren, and one great-grandson. He has been active in his church and the technical community for many years. Jim has worked for Wyle Laboratories since 1982, supporting the commercial nuclear power industry. As you will see below, his hobby is volunteering.

Jim is a Senior Member of the IEEE where he has been a member since 1972. He has been active in the IEEE Nuclear Power Standards area since joining IEEE. Jim is a long time member of the Computer Society and the Power Engineering Society.

Jim served the Huntsville Section as Treasurer from July 1992 through 1998, as Chairman in 1999 and 2000, as Past-Chairman from 2001 through 2004, as Secretary in 2002, as Historian from 2001 to date, as Communications Committee (not Chapter) Chair from October 2001 to date, as Computer Fair Webmaster in 2000, as HunTEC Webmaster in 2001, and as Section Webmaster from May 2003 to date. He also served as the Finance Director for IEEE AUTOTESTCON 2002 from 1998 through 2003. Jim also served on the Section's Audit, Awards, Computer Fair, Educational Activities, Finance, HunTEC, and Nominations Committees.

Jim served as the Vice Chair and then Chair of the Computer Society Chapter in 2002, as Vice Chair in 2003, and as Secretary in 2004. Jim also served on the Huntsville Association of Technical Societies (HATS) Board of Directors as Finance Director in the 1998/1999 term, as Treasurer in the 1999/2000 and 2000/2001 terms and again in the 2003/2004 term. He was one of the Section's representatives to HATS in the 2001/2002 and 2002/2003 terms.

Don Carver's Bio will be available soon.

Daniel Chang joined Adtran, Inc in 2000. Prior to Adtran he and his family emigrated from Johannesburg, South Africa to work for Alpha Telecom USA, Inc in Huntsville as hardware design engineer in 1999. He has worked in the electronics and computer industry for the past 25 years. He started his design engineering career in power supply and electronics test instrument research and development in 1976. His current research interest is in multicasting of stream video. He is currently working on his DBA in information technology management with Nova Southeastern University in Florida. 

Glenn Cox is an Assistant Professor in the Computer Science Department at The University of Alabama in Huntsville. His specialties are Computer Networking, Real-Time simulation, and Computer Architecture. Before joining UAH, he spent 22 years in the defense industry working in Huntsville, Washington, D.C., New Mexico, and Missouri. He holds BEE, MEE, and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from Auburn University. He has been an IEEE member since 1972 and has held the positions of Membership Chair, Program Chair, and General Chair for the Huntsville Chapter of the Computer Society.

Malcolm (Skip) Grierson is a senior design engineer at Adtran, Inc. He served as Treasure of the IEEE Computer Society last year.  He has worked in the telecom industry for the past twenty years and has designed and developed a variety of telecom products. Mr.Grierson received the MS and BSEE degrees from the University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida in 1980.

Chris McGraw is the President of Optimization Technology, Inc. (OTI), a small business specializing in software verification and validation, software quality, and performance prediction and analysis of large-scale distributed computing systems. In addition to his duties with OTI, Mr. McGraw has served on the Auburn University Computer Science Department's Industrial Advisory Board since 1998 and received the department's Outstanding Alumnus Award in 2001. He also serves on the board of the Huntsville Chamber Music Guild. He received his M.S. in Computer Science from Auburn University in 1986 and his Bachelor's of Music from the University of Alabama in 1978.

Bob Robinson is an IEEE Senior member and Certified Software Development Professional (CSDP) and is the Principal Investigator of the Unmanned Ground Systems division of Boeing Phantom Works, a small new business segment at Boeing that serves Defense and Homeland Security autonomous ground vehicle markets. Before that he led Boeing software engineering on the SPACEHAB program since 1991 and held a variety of software, hardware, and systems engineering positions over the past 25 years in military ballistic defense, commercial nuclear safety programs, and the Riyadh, Saudi Arabia airport. In addition to maintaining this website, Mr. Robinson maintains the Huntsville INCOSE and AUVSI chapter websites. He received a Masters in Systems Architecting and Engineering from University of Southern California in 2004, a Bachelors in Mathematics and Bachelors in Electrical Engineering from Louisiana Tech in 1980, and did his Masters in Electrical Engineering coursework at Louisiana Tech in 1981.

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