Meet the Jackson PES Chapter Officers
The Jackson PES Chapter has 4 officer positions. Those positions
are the Chair, the Vice-Chair, the Treasurer, and the Secretary. These
are 1 year rotational positions. Each year elections are held for a new
person to come in as the secretary on a 4 year rotation. The officers
are responsible for making sure the chapter provides a technical
program that is beneficial to the electrical engineers in the area.
Purpose of IEEE Chapter
The purpose of the PES is stated by the IEEE as
follows: The purposes of the PES is technical, scientific, literary, and educational. The Society shall strive for the advancement of the theory and practice of electrical and electronics engineering and the related arts and sciences, in consonance with the Constitution and Bylaws of the IEEE. Documents governing the PES include: |
Officers of the Jackson PES Chapter
The officers of the Jackson PES Chapter are shown in the following Table: |
Chair | Vice-Chair |
Brian Sullivan Contact:
Jann Butler Contact: |
Treasurer | Secretary |
Dale McDonald Contact: |
Clayton Hudspeth Contact: |