From: on behalf of George F McClure []
Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2004 4:18 PM
To: r3-pace@IEEE.ORG
Cc: r3-excom2004@IEEE.ORG; r3-paoc@IEEE.ORG; r3-sections@IEEE.ORG; sec.r03@IEEE.ORG;
Subject: PACE Report and Action Alert
Region 3 PACE Report

1.  PACE training will be conducted during the Region 3 meeting, Oct. 16-17. 

2.  A two-hour PACE introduction and orientation is available to areas and councils.  It will be presented to the Florida Council on Aug. 14.  Others desireing to schedule it can contact me (below).

3. A membership survey has shown a strong need and desire for continuing education opportunities.  A New Initiative from Education Activities, called Xplore-Enabled Learning Library (XELL) is currently in development;  It will have some distance-learning modules available by year-end, with new ones added at a rate of 40-60 per year.  The modules are being developed by the same group that did the 100+ Computer Society modules.  The subject material will be taken from tutorials held at IEEE technical society conferences and will be presented by subject matter experts (SMEs).

4.  The corporate tax reduction bill that passed both houses (with some differences) did include an extension of the Research and Experimentation Tax Credit.  IEEE-USA supports making this credit permanent, for work done in the U.S.  Each spring, the Congressional Visits Day draws the attention of congressmen to the need for better support of research and engineering in the physical sciences.  Over the past five years, the amount of federal funds devoted to life sciences R&D has doubled, but investment in the physical sciences has lagged far behind.  This year, a second push is being made in July.

July 5 ­ 11 is National Research, Development and Innovation Week

ISSUE: The U.S. House of Representatives has designated the week
of July 5th as National Research, Development and Innovation Week.
NEEDED ACTION: Contact your Representatives and ask them to give
a floor speech on the importance of basic research and the National
Science Foundation (NSF).

BACKGROUND: The U.S. House of Representatives has designated the week
of July 5th as “National Research, Development and Innovation Week.”
This designation offers scientists, technologists, and engineers an
opportunity to influence technology policies at the national level.
Federal funding to conduct the basic research is at risk, and is vital
for our nation’s innovation and technological competitiveness. Scientists
and engineers can use this week to remind their Representatives of
the important role federal R&D programs play in your professional lives.
Each morning that the House is in session, any Member can give a one-minute
speech on anything they wish. Ask your Representatives to use their minute
on Wednesday or Thursday of this week to recognize the NSF and the role that
federally-funded research plays in your local community. Here are some
talking points you can pass on to your Member of Congress’ office:
• The National Science Foundation is a major contributor to basic science,
mathematics, and engineering research in the U.S.
• In 2002, Congress passed the NSF Authorization Act authorizing budget
increases of 15% through FY 2007. The FY 2005 budget request has only a
3% NSF budget increase for a total of $5.7 billion.
• NSF is the major federal agency devoted to supporting basic research and
education across all scientific fields.
• NSF supports close to 50% of all basic research at universities and
colleges, providing funding to more than 2,000 institutions of higher
• According to NSF’s 2004 Science and Technology Indicators, in 2002
universities and colleges performed 53.8 percent of all basic research.
The intellectual freedom and diversity of these institutions make them
ideally suited to carry out basic research and they are excellent training
grounds for future scientists and high-tech workers.
If you know of local institutions have benefited from federal research
and development funds, tell your Congressional office so that this information
can be included in the speech.
The House just recently made the designation, so we didn’t have much
notice and now have little time. Therefore, it would be best if you
called your Congressional office with your request. Contacts should be
made by July 7th, but can be made at any time and still be acted upon.

The phone number for the Capitol Hill switch board is (202) 224-3121.
Call this number and ask for your Representative’s office. You can use
IEEE-USA’s Legislative Action Center to determine who your Representative
is. Finally, remember to contact IEEE-USA and tell us who you’ve contacted,
so that we can follow-up on your behalf.

IEEE-USA Legislative Action Center:
IEEE-USA Policy Page:

MORE INFORMATION: Contact IEEE-USA staffer Bill Williams at (202) 785-0017
or for more information on the NSF and advocacy efforts
on its behalf. Contact Russ Harrison at (202) 785-0017 or with questions on communicating with elected officials
or the Legislative Action Center.

George F McClure
1730 Shiloh Ln
Winter Park FL 32789
Tel 407-647-5092
Fax 407-644-4076