Greetings to all! I hope many of our members were
able to participate in the numerous Engineering week
activities throughout Central Florida this February.
These activities are a way for engineers to share our
experiences and knowledge with our peers, fellow up
and coming engineers, and the children, some whom will
be the future engineers of our great profession. I
invite all of our members to our monthly section
meetings and encourage you to become an active
participant in your Orlando Section. Your input as
members of this section is also valuable, so please
feel free to e-mail myself or any other section EXCOM
members with your suggestions, ideas, or feedback.
IEEE Orlando section
407-474-8488 - Office
407-323-7851 - Fax
- 2006 IEEE Orlando Section
- Thomas M.
407-474-8488 - Office
407-323-7851 - Fax