TO ALL ORLANDO SECTION MEMBERS - REMEMBER THE FOLLOWING IN FEBRUARY: 1) If you have not already renewed your IEEE membership, please renew your IEEE membership for 2009 as soon as possible. [NOTE: Current IEEE policy requires that members not renewing by the end of February 2009 will be put on an arrears list in March 2009 and removed as members of the IEEE at the end of March.] 2) If you are not now a member of an IEEE technical society, please consider joining at least one technical society in 2009 based on your interests. 3) Reward yourself through the Member-Get-a-Member (MGM) Program by recruiting your technical friends and  colleagues to become new members in the IEEE.      [Remember, when completing member application forms, new member prospects must provide your name and IEEE membership number to identify you as the recruiting member.]  4) Applications for Senior Member status are now being reviewed throughout the year! For those members, with 10 or more years of professional experience and at least 5 years of significant accomplishments, who are interested in a status upgrade to Senior Member, please complete the Senior Member Application Form available online at If you need additional assistance in your SM application from the Orlando Section, we will be provide the three Senior Member references required in the application process. To receive this assistance, an applicant for Senior Membership must submit a resume, CV, or professional history to for us to review the basis for your application and to complete the Senior Member endorsement forms that must accompany your SM application form. A draft of your SM application would also be useful. Best regards, William Hortos, Chair, Orlando Membership Development Committee   For further details, please go to the IEEE website and select the Membership tab.