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Advice for Current & Potential Consultants Featured in Latest IEEE-USA E-book

WASHINGTON (13 September 2011) -- Many engineers, for various reasons, are thinking about becoming independent consultants. But the skills required to go out on your own are not taught in engineering schools, writes William Kassebaum, P.E., in the introduction to "The Best of IEEE-USA Today's Engineer: On Consulting -- Volume 2."

"Many engineers are apprehensive about making the transition from a salaried position with predictable weekly or monthly earnings, to a situation where the perception is that income would be uncertain and irregular," said Kassebaum, chair of the IEEE Alliance of Consultants Networks Coordinating Committee. "Almost all experienced consultants were once company employees. They made the change, and most of them will say it was the wisest career and business decision they ever made."

This second volume of articles, which originally ran in "IEEE-USA Today's Engineer," is an IEEE-USA e-book compilation of nine consulting-related stories. A sampling includes, "Consulting: The Dawn of a New Era;" "Moonlighting Engineers: The Consultant Stands Alone;" "Is It Your Time To Be An Entrepreneur;" and "Using Social Media to Attract New Business."

The publication also features the "2010 Profile of IEEE Consultants," which is based on the "2010 IEEE-USA Salary and Fringe Benefits Survey." The profile provides information on things like average number of hours consultants worked per week (27.1) and median billing rate ($120).

You can purchase your copy of "The Best of IEEE-USA Today's Engineer: On Consulting -- Volume 2" at for the IEEE member price: $4.79. Nonmember price is $5.99.

IEEE members can purchase other IEEE-USA E-Books at deeply discounted member prices -- and download some free e-books at

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Contact: Sharon C. Richardson, Coordinator
IEEE-USA Communications & Publishing
Phone: 1 202 530 8363