
Date: June 6, 2000
Location: Location: Grady's Restaurant
Issa Batarseh (Proxy)
Robert J. Pirela
Jerry Murphy (Proxy)
Kalpathy B. Sundaram (Proxy)
David E. Flinchbaugh (Chair)
Parveen Wahid (Proxy)
Tom Wandeloski
Wade Smith
Brian Hook (New Student Chair)
Al Berg
Jorge Medina
Takis Kasparis
1) Quorum - Call to Order:
After establishing the required quorum the meeting got on the way at 6:00 pm presided by Dr. David Flinchbaugh.
2) -The minutes for the May 2nd meeting were distributed to be read.
3) -Dr. Kaspari requested an explanation as to why we lost $813.00 in the Awards Banquet, Al Berg explained that the banquet was expected to be an expense, he presented a copy of the treasurer report and reminded that in the past the banquet has been much more expensive.
4) -There was a request for spelling corrections in the Minutes, the minutes were corrected and approved.
5)-Dr. Flinchbaugh collected invoices and checks from Al and Jorge; there was no Treasurer Report.
6) Old Business.
Dr. Flinchbaugh reported that there was low attendance in South Com and suggested that we should have Mr. Klote present a report on the conference and the outcome.
Dr. Kaspari mentioned that in the past promises have not been fulfilled of moneys being paid to the chapter by the conferences in compensation for work and support offered by local IEEE senior members.
Brian Hook (New Student Chapter Chair), suggested that they could sale amongst students Lab Kits prepared by the IEEE student members, that the profits be shared with the senior chapter for fund raising.
No other old business.
7) New Business.
Jorge Medina brought up the issue of election of new officers and the fact that according to the new calendar year, by the first week of October we should have a nominating committee, in the November Newsletter there shall be a request for nominees so that the new committee start on Jan with the New Year.
8) -Jorge also reminded that there is supposed to be a transition/training meeting so that the outgoing officers can brief the new officers about what has transpired during the year and other important maters.
9) -Jorge also suggested that the bylaws might need to be revised and updated, he proposed that copies of the Bylaws be made available on the Web Page, this was seconded and approved.
10) -A suggestion was made that Time and Date of Florida Council should be published so that those interested could attend.
11) -Dr. Flinchbaugh suggested that we need to start planning the Wet n' Wild event from now to avoid last minute problems and also to assure a good attendance.
12)-Meeting was adjourned at 8:17 PM.
(If you need to make a correction, please Email Robert J. Pirela at Sensorunit@AOL.Com)
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 Updated 07/01/2000