Volume XXXIII, Number 01

A Monthly Publication of the IEEE Orlando Section - August 1999

Career Center

Hello and welcome to this month's edition of the Orlando Section Monthly newsletter Online.

This months's newsletter spotlights a Career Center section. Stop by this center to have your business card resume posted (IEEE Orlando Members only - Membership # required) and search for jobs. In addition, you can use this resource section to fill open positions at your company.
Don't forget to pass our URL off to our missing members, friends and colleagues in the industry. Through your help, we can continue to grow our community and the services we offer to you.
Thanks again for visiting the Orlando Section Monthly Online. We look forward to seeing you again soon.
Best regards,
Jorge Medina
Publications Chairman
IEEE Orlando Section Monthly Online

The IEEE Foundation has provided $50,000 and the Life Members Committee $25,000, to help establish Student Branch Centers in Regions 1-10 in 1999. This program has been developed to encourage more electrical and computer engineering students to join Student Branches worldwide.
Student Branch Centers of Excellence will serve as visible evidence of the exciting world of electrical and computer engineering, a central location for Branch activities and a resource center on college campuses.
To apply for a grant, a business plan must be developed by students, with the help and support of their university (the university should provide the space on campus), their department chair and the IEEE Student Branch Counselor. Proposals are due 15 August 1999. Section support of Student Branch efforts is strongly encouraged. Visit for complete
program details.
IEEE-USA Salary Survey Shows Strong Income Growth
Overall, Pay is Way Up, but Some Younger Professionals Still Lag
WASHINGTON, May 18, 1999 -- Primary incomes of electrical and electronic engineers are up 13.9 percent since 1997, according to the IEEE-USA SALARY AND FRINGE BENEFIT SURVEY, 1999-2000 edition. "This confirms what our members have been telling us all along," IEEE-USA Survey Committe Chair Robert Nash said. "The overall picture is good, reflecting the critical role experienced engineers play in sustaining these good economic times. But there are some groups falling behind."
According to IEEE-USA's definitive biannual survey, the January 1999 median primary income from base salaries, self-employment, commissions and bonuses for IEEE members in the U.S. was $82,000, a substantial increase from the comparable 1997 figure of $72,000. This pace exceeds inflation by more than 10 percent, and the gains for the most flexible and entrepreneurial engineers -- the full-time self-employed -- are even better: an average
19.4 percent increase over two years.
"Encouraging as these statistics are, they are partially offset by a continuing lag for those who entered the workforce in the early 1990s," explained Nash. "While recent graduates and the most experienced are doing better than ever, those with two to six years experience are well below where they should be. The salaries which younger individuals make earlier in their career are a key incentive for attracting talented, future-oriented people into professional engineering -- and those incentives are not keeping pace."
"IEEE-USA has continued to refine the Salary Survey to make it even more helpful to mid-career and entry-level engineers who are considering their options," Nash said. "We think they will find the 1999 Survey's details about pay distinctions extremely useful."
The 1999 Survey includes an upgraded regression model for calculating income estimates for thousands of combinations of skills, experience, levels of responsibility, degrees, speciality, type of employer, and other factors,
including new details on computer hardware and software and network administration. This model provides the basis for the Salary Survey's upcoming companion volume, SALARY BENCHMARKS: A PERSONAL WORKBOOK, which provides for ranges of pay to allow engineers to consider personal circumstances for their career planning, including the possible effects location will have for 17 major metropolitan areas, as well as other parts of each U.S. region.
THE IEEE-USA SALARY & FRINGE BENEFIT SURVEY, 1999-2000 Edition, can be obtained by calling 1-800-678-IEEE and asking for product no. UH2981. The
cost is $74.95 for members and $149.95 for nonmembers.
For more information on the survey, see
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Chairman's Corner

Dr. Issa Batarseh

IEEE is making history by publishing a book called ENGINEERING TOMORROW: Today‚s Technology Experts Envision the Next Century. IEEE Societies have
selected visionaries in all electrical and electronic disciplines to contribute to this book. This collector's coffee table book will be printed to order in a limited edition. Not only is ENGINEERING TOMORROW making history, but it is supporting engineering educational activities by donating all the surplus funds from book sales to the IEEE Foundation.
IEEE would like your assistance in promoting this book to IEEE members at your Section and Chapter meetings. Available is a Power Point presentation and ads that can be used in newsletters and other publications. To obtain any of these materials please send an email or fax to Robin Morton detailing which items you are requesting, the quantity and the address to which the items are being shipped.
IEEE Marketing
Robin Morton
732.981.9334 (fax)
As the saying goes why re-invent the wheel? What has worked for other Chapters may be adaptable to your own. In no particular order, following are some "best practices" discussed in a brainstorming session at the Membership
Development retreat last March:
·Establish an Innovation Committee
-Students and emerging technologists
-Mini-symposia across Chapters cutting edge topics
-Career days/planning
·Booths at college days to publicize IEEE (increase awareness at pre-college level)
·Increase industry involvement help to keep technologists in industry
·Encourage Chapters to identify "hot" topics and bring in speakers to address those technical needs
·List Chapter meetings on the Web site announcements via email within corporations, universities, government agencies
·Offer free admission to lunch/dinner meetings to members who bring prospective members
·Offer free admission to lunch/dinner meetings to members who bring completed Senior Membership applications
·Have joint meetings among Chapters in related technologies or with related non-IEEE groups such as national societies
·Offer better leadership training for Chapter officers == how to stage a meeting!
·Develop mentoring programs within Chapters
·Publicize Chapter meeting to Section members who aren't members of the Chapter
·Leverage local industriess‚ and universitiess‚ support for membership
·Match members and non-members at technical conferences
·Encourage more joint Chapter activities particularly among those with common interests
·Expand (add new people to) Society Distinguished Lecturer list
·Encourage formation of Chapters in areas where there are enough Society members but no Chapter
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*** The SCOOP ***

Vicki Waldman, Editor
With the world preparing to mark the Third Millennium, what better time could there be to also celebrate the professional achievements and contributions of 3,000 of the IEEE's very best?
In the first Institute-wide medals program since 1,984 Centennial Medals were presented during the IEEE's 100th anniversary year in 1984, next year we will present 3,000 Millennium Medals to members who have been selected
by their Sections, Societies and Major Boards for outstanding contributions.
A quantity of Medals is being allotted to each Section, Society and Board, with the exact number per Section and Society determined by membership size, excluding students. Each of the six Boards will be allotted five
We are inviting each Section to select their recipients for outstanding contributions to the Section, the Chapter or the community. We are inviting each Society to select its recipients for outstanding contributions to that Society or its area of technology. Each major Board selection will be
based on outstanding contributions to that particular Board.
Because our younger Members are our future, we are asking each Section and each Society to include a GOLD member in its list of nominated recipients where possible.
We ask that you or your designee personally handle this important Third Millennium activity. Please note that nominees‚ names may be submitted as soon as you wish, but must be received no later than Friday, 1 October 1999.
Procedures for nominating and awarding IEEE Millennium Medals may be obtained by contacting IEEE Awards/Fellow Activities at or by
phone at 732-562-3840. Any questions that you may still have after reading the procedures should also be referred to Awards/Fellow Activities at this same alias and phone number.
I look forward to your Section's full participation in this historic, once-in-a-millennium celebration!
Bruce Eisenstein
1999 IEEE President-Elect


WASHINGTON, D.C. June 7, 1999 -- On June 3, IEEE-USA initiated its e-mail update pilot project designed to provide all U.S. IEEE members beginning this summer with timely, regular notices plus special offers on the organization's products and services. Over the next few weeks, some 134,000 U.S. IEEE members who have their e-mail addresses recorded in the Institute's database will receive information about subscribing to the new "push" electronic service. "We're looking forward to forging a new standard of member communications for IEEE-USA and the Institute," said IEEE-USA Member Activities Vice President Jean M. Eason.
Members will have a choice of two update services including: IEEE-USA TODAY, featuring the latest on career building products and services; and/or IEEE-USA EYE ON WASHINGTON, providing briefings on career and technology policy activities. Members who do not wish to wait for the official e-mail update announcement (or who suspect that they might not be already included in the e-mail address database) can register now through the Web at Members will be able to subscribe or unsubscribe from the service at any time.
IN OTHER NEWS this week from IEEE-USA, the new quarterly magazine designed to spark collaborative business skills among all professionals, TODAY'S ENGINEER, received second prize from the Society of National Association Publications (SNAP) in the Excel Awards competition, SNAP announced June 1. Judged by publishing professionals in the General Excellence category among magazines with revenues of less than $500,000,
TODAY'S ENGINEER was recognized for its four 1998 inaugural issues, under the leadership of volunteer editor Gerard H. (Gus) Gaynor.
TODAY'S ENGINEER was the runner up for best writing, content, graphic design and overall packaging. The IEEE-USA magazine joined distinguished past winners such as the New York Academy of Sciences for THE SCIENCES,
Sigma Xi for AMERICAN SCIENTIST, and the Institute's own IEEE SPECTRUM. Almost 900 entries were submitted in all categories for the 1999 SNAP Excel Awards. The second prize will be presented to IEEE-USA at a special luncheon in Bethesda, MD, later in June.
SNAP is a non-profit, professional society serving the needs of association publishers and communications professionals. Now in its second year of publication, TODAY'S ENGINEER received three earlier awards for excellence in 1998.
To subscribe to IEEE-USA's new quarterly, go to, or telephone 800-678-4333 and ask for product no. PB331.
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For the latest information contact the IEEE Orlando Voice Information Center (407) 260-1676, FAX: (407) 260-1636
E-mail: - Web Page:

Aug 03 6:00 PM

Orlando Section - EXCOM - Location TBA, Dr. I. Batarseh 407-823-0185,

Aug 10 6:00 PM

Consultants' Network - Election of New Officers - Orange County Library, J. Medina, 407-260-1676,

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Career Center
Stop by this center to have your business card resume posted (IEEE Orlando Members only - Membership # required) and to search for jobs. In addition, you can use this resource section to fill open positions at your company. Send requests to
Open Positions
Seeking Employment

If you wish to unsubscribe to the IEEE Orlando Section Monthly Newletter Online, please send request to
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(c) Copyright 1999 IEEE Orlando Section. All rights reserved.
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