At a ceremony held in the Historic Capitol Building, Tallahassee, FL, Dr. David E. Flinchbaugh of Orlando and his wife, Heidi, received the Governors New Product Award for 2002 for a medium-size company, on behalf of the officers, directors, employees, associates, and strategic partners of UroSolutions, Inc. The company was formed with a mission to develop, manufacture and market unique medical products designed to improve health care and to enhance quality of life. Their initial products are used with patients catheterized as a result of surgery, injury, illness, or disability, in order to allow more normal bladder function and to help avoid complications of the urinary system. Following the personally devastating death of his own father in 1986, caused by a hospital-acquired infection, Dr. Flinchbaugh has labored tirelessly to help others avoid a similar fate. As a result of product demonstrations last year in four countries and around the United States, over 240 representatives from fifty countries, and over 830 U.S. nurses, physicians, and other health care professionals have requested these products from UroSolutions, Inc. for hospital, clinic, nursing home, and home care use.
Dr. Flinchbaugh, a Health Physicist and inventor, moved his family to Florida in 1968 after having worked many years as a scientist for I.B.M., United Technologies, Research Cottrell, and as Director of Research and Development for Andersen Laboratories. He has been a registered Florida Professional Engineer since 1974 and a member of the Florida Governors Award sponsoring organizations, the Florida Engineering Society and the Florida Professional Engineers in Industry, since 1978. He has been honored by election to the highest rank of Life Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers in addition to Fellow of the American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery. He also received the Millennium Medal Award at the turn of the century in recognition of his earlier inventions for Westinghouse, which have positively impacted the lives of millions of people around the globe. His family of six has been a productive part of the Central Florida community A co-founder of Control Laser Corp. in 1970, he has been director of the Technology Consulting Center since 1986. Co-founders of UroSolutions, Inc. include C. Edward Maull III, a highly skilled marketing specialist from a native Pine Castle pioneering family, and James and Robbie Ford. Mr. Ford is President of both UroSolutions, Inc. and the very successful, well-established firm of Southeast Medical Products, Inc. in south Orlando.