Everyone has been endowed with the ability to dream, to invent, to recognize problems in everyday life and to mentally solve problems to some extent. What will happen to our next generation if students no longer take an active interest in mathematics, the language of science, in physics, chemistry, engineering and computer-related sciences? Where will technology advance; in the United States or somewhere else? Will we cease to supply energy to power our cities, to build buildings to work and live in, to construct vehicles and transportation systems to move around with, and to continue to misuse and under-utilize the vast resources provided by nature to grow nutritious foods to fuel our minds and bodies?
As we look around us, everything in sight that we benefit from today that was not placed there by our Creator, has been invented and made by man. Inventors create jobs for America! We must realize that inventors and engineers are the prime movers of technological advancement which has allowed us to explore flying, the vast frontiers of space, the deepest oceans, and the smallest units of construction: atoms and their component matter. Today we can look forward to developing microscopic machines to assist failing structure in the body, such as valves, venous circulator pumps, and imbedded insulin dispensers. Nano-technology opens up a whole new world of possibilities to apply electro-chemical, electro-physical and electromechanical principles to solving problems in medicine and health and other working or living systems at the atomic or molecular level.
With a strong basic background in the physical sciences, one is well equipped to begin to understand concepts of elements and matter, and the interaction with energy fields, and how to apply established principles of nature to build machines to solve problems. It is rewarding to know that the application of personal ingenuity now benefits millions of lives medically and environmentally each day! Also, of special interest are sophisticated instruments, which extend the range of our own natural sensory systems, such as telescopes, microscopes, audio amplifiers, ultrasonic tools, x-ray machines, radar, and sonar. The laser is a device, which is uniquely man-made, not found in nature, and which enables us to communicate over vast distances, to perfect eye surgery techniques, to precisely machine metals and ceramics, and to produce and record holographic three-dimensional images.
A computer engineer designs and builds faster, higher capacity machines to assist us in our everyday calculations, communications, and other chores. An electrical engineer may team up with a mechanical engineer and a human engineer to built the robots of the future. Aeronautical engineers may build an airplane to take us for a ride in space from our local airport. Civil engineers will build the homes and workplaces, roads and bridges of the future with the co-operation of the environmental engineer. A telecommunications engineer designs and maintains the telephone networks; a lighting engineers designs the lighting systems for our roads and building spaces. The various disciplines of engineering offer endless challenges...limited only by our imagination. We are a solar-powered planet. Energy engineers will someday harness a significant percentage of our sun's energy to power our homes and factories. We have barely touched on the concepts of how to benefit from our free magnetic field environment. Engineers are constantly developing new ideas to allow us to move faster and safer, to communicate faster, and in general to live longer and healthier lives. Skilled engineers in and with government will also steer political decisions to benefit human rights and the value of freedom! You have the opportunity to help shape the future and to become a living part of our history and our heritage. What part will you and your children play in making your home a safer dwelling place and your future creative, interesting, and exciting? Consider professions in engineering, science, and technology .this is where the positive, uplifting, and constructive action is!
A challenge by Dr. David E. Flinchbaugh, who has created over 162 inventions. He was recently recognized and honored with the "Governor's New Product Award". As a close associate observed, his success is largely due to perseverance . he had been competing 14 year for this honor! Dr. David E. Flinchbaugh in a Registered Professional Engineer, an I.E.E.E. Life Fellow, Certified Manufacturing Engineer, Health Physicist, and is the Florida Professional Engineers in Industry "Engineer of the Year", Florida Institute of Consulting Engineers' Governor A. W. Gilchrist Award winner, and Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation new product Laufman-Greatbatch Prize and AAMI Foundation Grant winner for 2002.He lives with his wife of 45 years in Orlando and can be reached at:407-760-7200