(Professional Activities Committee for Engineers)

Employment Assistance Help for IEEE Members
The economy still continues to have a slow recovery. Overall EE
unemployment dropped from 4.8% to 4.0%, computer scientists from 5.3% to
4.6%, and engineers from 4.0% to 3.4%. But given this good news, there is
still a number of layoffs that are ongoing at companies. Information on
the layoffs by company can be found at,
One of the most important activities we can support as IEEE members is to
support our fellow members with an effective Employment Assistance
program. To help you prepare your local Employment Assistance program,
IEEE-USA has developed a new web page with the theme of "Help for the
Unemployed or At-Risk Member". These links point to resources that have
been developed by the IEEE to help during a career transition. Please make
sure that your local IEEE entity is aware of this page at,
According to a famous politician "All Politics are Local", we can also say
that "All Employment is Local" as well. To that end, I recommend that you
add a "localized" employment page to your Section web page. This page can
be a selection of carefully picked resources that point to local
information on jobs, career advice and education resources. The SC Council
of the IEEE has developed such a page with links that specialize in the
support of EE's in South Carolina. Please use this page as a template and
substitute your own local links to create one for your Section, Council or
Region. This page can be found at,
For ongoing email based career information, IEEE Spectrum has a weekly
"IEEE Career Alert". You can subscribe at,
Now I need your help. We have collected a number of resources to share
with Members. Many of you have also created presentations, given workshops
or know of valuable career resources. We need to add your value to our
resource base. If you have material that you want to share, please let me
know. If you are a speaker on a Career topic and are willing to speak in
your area, please let me know. If you have time and know something about
successful Job Hunting, please let your Section know that you can help by
teaching at a M-PAC or by counselling a fellow member. Lastly if you know
of job openings at your company, please let your Section members know now.
Bottom line we still have employment issues within our membership. Can I
count on you to help ?
Lee Stogner
IEEE-USA Vice President Professional Activities
PACE Funding Available
    I would like to remind all sections that funding is available to support
PACE activities. In order to receive the funding a PACE project request
must be filled out.
The forms can be found online at:
For Sections:
For Chapters/Societies:
This would a great opportunity to develop programs to help with local
section employment issues.
The PACE NETWORK is asked to help publicize this outstanding program -
ranked by Princeton Review as one of America's 100 Best Internship
Opportunities. Please highlight at Section/Chapter meetings, post in
newsletters, share with your student branch coordinators, and/or
forward by email to student members and parents. A WISE program flyer
will also be available shortly for download at
IEEE-USA is looking for outstanding student members with strong
leadership skills and an interest in public policy to participate in
the Washington Internships for Students of Engineering (WISE) during
the Summer 2003 program (June 2 - Aug. 8). In addition to U.S.
citizenship, applicants must also be in their Junior or Senior years or
a recent grad entering a policy-related Masters program.
During the 10-week program, participants learn how the U.S. government
addresses complex technological issues and how engineers can contribute
to legislative and regulatory public policy decisions. In addition to
meetings with government decision-makers and policy organizations, each
WISE Intern prepares a research paper on an engineering-related public
policy issue. IEEE's 2002 WISE Interns tackled policy issues related to
digital rights management, the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA),
and the role of Gigabit Ethernet over Fiber as a broadband
infrastructure option. Other WISE topics range the gamut from
overcoming barriers to the next generation of nuclear technology to use
of iris recognition identification systems for homeland security.
Students work under the guidance of a faculty advisor and are mentored
by government relations staff and volunteers from the IEEE-USA
Washington office. Interns receive a stipend of $2,100 plus lodging at
George Washingtion University.
The application deadline is 6 December 2002.
For more information or to apply, contact WISE at, or Sharon Richardson, IEEE-USA at



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Updated 11/17/02