The awards program is one of the most important activities in the IEEE. It provides the vehicle to recognize the efforts of the membership to improve the organization, and to bring merit to our profession.
Awards are presented at the Institute, Region, Council, and Section levels to recognize deserving members.
The IEEE Orlando Section strongly supports the Florida Council and Region 3 Awards Programs and encourages all its Section members to nominate candidates for every award possible. To encourage a large number of nominations from its members, the Section offers four professional parallel awards for:
Nominations will be submitted following the guidelines for these awards published in the current Region 3 Awards and Recognition Program Manual. Section award recipients in each category will have their nomination for the Florida Council and Region 3 award submitted with the endorsement of support from the Section to provide additional recognition.
Nominees must be IEEE members in good standing, and have resided in IEEE Orlando Section area (Orange, Osceola, Seminole, Lake and Sumter counties) for at least three years. Candidates may only be nominated for one award category per year.
Only an Orlando Section member and/or a Section Awards Committee member shall make nomination for awards.
All nominations must be submitted in writing on appropriate forms as defined in the Region 3 Awards Manual. Only information provided on these forms, plus authorized enclosures (no attachments when e-mailed), shall be considered in judging of the candidates' qualifications. Attachments are accepted if hard copy and postal mailing is being used. Every effort should be taken to make the documentation as complete as possible, as it will also be used for judging at the Florida Council and Region 3 levels.
Electronic submission is the preferred method via e-mailed forms in which the e-mail addresses will be considered the same as hard signatures. Florida Council and Region 3 has also advised they will accept e-mail addresses as signatures.
For any IEEE member wishing to nominate someone for an award who does not have access to the Internet they should request help from any of the active IEEE Orlando Section members.
Steps #1 - Nominations are made by obtaining the appropriate form (Region 3 forms) available via the IEEE Orlando Section or FCIEEE Web site.
Step #2 - The current year submission for any or all four IEEE Orlando Section Awards are to be filled out by the nominator (even if assistance is provided by the nominee) and e-mailed to the current IEEE Orlando Section Awards Chairperson, including the two required letters of endorsement which should be made apart of the form using a "cut & paste" method (no attachments) on or before December 31st of the current year.
Nominations shall be received in writing (e-mail preferred) by December 31st. to the IEEE Orlando Section Awards Chairman. Winning candidates shall have their Section Endorsements submitted to the Florida Council and Region 3 Awards and Recognition Chairman prior to his/her deadline. 30 days prior to the deadline (normally November 1 and December 1 of the current year) imposed by the Florida Council and Region 3 awards program, respectively, to allow sufficient time to distribute and vote on candidates submitted
All nominations shall be e-mailed by the IEEE Orlando Section Awards Chairperson to members of the awards committee, who shall use the guidelines and criteria established in the Region 3 Awards Manual to select their proposed winning candidate in each category. Voting form(s) will accompany nomination of candidates.
Awards Committee members shall respond within three weeks of receipt of nominations by e-mail, or one day if voting is conducted during an IEEE Orlando Section meeting, with their selections, which will be tabulated by the Section Awards Chairperson.
The results of the evaluations will be summarized on a MASTER SUMMARY SHEET and provided to the Section chairperson on or before December 31 of the current year.
The Junior Past Section Chair shall serve as the Awards Committee Chair. The Awards Committee shall be composed of the Chairperson of each Chapter and Committee represented on the Section. Each representative's vote shall have equal weight in the tabulation process. The Section Awards Chairperson shall vote only in the case of a tie situation.
Whenever possible, awards shall be presented by the current Section Chairperson to the recipient at a local Section function or Section meeting when appropriate
OUTSTANDING SERVICE: Recognizes service to IEEE and to the Engineering profession.
OUTSTANDING ENGINEER: Recognizes superior professional and technical achievements within
IEEE and to the Engineering Profession.
OUTSTANDING ENGINEERING EDUCATOR: Recognizes academic accomplishments that have enhanced the profession.
NOTE 1: Florida Council and Region 3 offer the same awards and forms used for the above can be used.
OUTSTANDING GRADUATE STUDENT: Recognizes graduate academic accomplishments.
OUTSTANDING UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT: Recognizes undergraduate academic accomplishments.
Each Chapter Chairman and Student Branch Advisor of the Section will receive a call for nominations from the Section Awards Chairman. It is the chapter chairmen's and student branch advisor's responsibility to submit their nominations directly to the Section Awards Chairman using the already prepared submission forms by December 31. Florida Council and Region 3 normally use November 1 and December 1 of each year, respectively, as the deadline.
NOTE 2: The IEEE Orlando Section Awards Chairperson will arrange to have the Section awards made and will notify the awards recipients before the Section's Awards Banquet.
Adopted on May, 2003 from IEEE Florida Council Awards Guidelines