- Greetings-
- I have been asked to activate the Strategic Planning Committee
for the
- Orlando IEEE Section, and I want to invite you to be a part of
- committee. Jorge Medina has indicated that he is willing to
serve as well,
- and since he heads the Bylaws Committee, he can be invaluable
in helping us
- to understand our charter as it now stands.
- Robert Pirela tonight outlined his agenda for revitalizing the
- section, including getting more publicity (letters to editors
by members,
- press coverage of our events, meeting listings in the Central
- Business and perhaps Orlando Business Journal) and visibility
both for the
- profession and for the section, pushing for more members to
upgrade to
- senior member status (compiling a list of fellows and senior
members for
- reference by those upgrading members seeking references will
be a useful
- first step), better relations with the student branch and more
- so that graduating students will see a reason to upgrade to
full membership
- upon graduation, promoting more attendance by GOLD members at
- functions, returning to paper mailings of the Section Notes
for members who
- prefer to get their meeting information that way (some
sections in Region 3
- report success with a monthly postcard listing all the
meetings for the
- month in a line or two each), and an expanded awards program,
which will
- not only recognize members who have made contributions to the
section but
- can also serve as a news 'peg' to get short articles and
photos in the
- newspaper.
- Our PR Committee should invite press coverage of the annual
awards banquet
- program, at UCF on April 12.
- A recent Membership Development Retreat in Princeton, NJ,
yielded many
- ideas for promoting membership, including an 'elevator speech'
to preface
- each section/chapter meeting -- so-called because it won't
last more than a
- minute. There should also be membership materials at each
- meeting. This raises another question: who is our Membership
- chair now? Jorge gets the SAMIEEE database updates, but is
the newsletter
- editor rather than membership chair.
- A member at tonight's meeting mentioned the networking aspect
of meeting
- attendance -- helping in job hunting through knowledge of
other members who
- may know where the jobs are, and how to contact the
engineering managers in
- a company rather than sending resumes to the 'black hole' of
the HR
- department. While section meetings won't become job fairs,
the networking
- attraction increases geometrically as the meeting attendance
- We have chapters falling idle (e.g., UFFC <what happened to
- Malocha? He was the first activist in this society chapter
and went on to
- be an officer of the society itself.>, SMC/RA/CS, and
earlier VT) so need
- strategies to revitalize them. New chapters are possible,
such as a joint
- EMC/EMS -- which would require six members of each to support
- petition. This latter was discussed at tonight's Excom
- Please advise me of your willingness to assist in this
valuable effort, and
- of any ideas you may be willing to offer to help. I see the
initial stage
- as brainstorming -- we don't want to crush the germs of new
ideas by
- dismissing them as unworkable as they are offered; sometimes
one person's
- idea will trigger a refinement by another person, so that
synergy will
- result in a better strategy than anyone's idea all alone.
- Looking to hear from you,
- George
- George F. McClure
- g.mcclure@ieee.org
- Ph. 407-647-5092
- Fax 407-644-4076
- 1730 Shiloh Lane
- Winter Park, FL 32789
- Top of Page
- Updated 04/30/01