Region 3 News
SoutheastCon 2003
Region 3 - Senior Member
- The SoutheastCon
2003 committee has decided to extend the call for
- until December 31, 2002.
- SoutheastCon is the annual IEEE Region 3 Technical,
Professional, and
- Student Conference. It brings together computer professionals,
faculty and
- students to share the latest information through technical
- tutorials, and exhibits. It is the most influential conference
in Region 3
- for promoting awareness of the technical contributions made by
- profession to the advancement of engineering science and to
the community.
- As usual, attendance and technical program participation from
areas outside
- IEEE Region 3 are encouraged and welcomed.
- SoutheastCon 2003 will be held at the Renaissance Jamaica
Grande Resort, in
- Ocho Rios, St Ann, on the north coast of the Caribbean island
of Jamaica,
- hosted by: IEEE Jamaica Section and Student Chapter, IEEE
Region 3
- (Southeastern USA and Jamaica); and The University of
Technology, Jamaica.
- April 4-6, 2003
- Renaissance Jamaica Grande Resort, Ocho Rios, Jamaica
- https://ewh.ieee.org/r3/jamaica/southeastcon/
- Suggested topics include:
- Aerospace Systems
- Analog Systems
- Antennas
- Artificial Intelligence
- Biomedical Engineering
- Broadcasting
- Cellular Communications
- Circuits and Systems
- Communication Systems
- Computers
- Control Systems
- Design Automation
- Digital Systems
- Distance Education
- Distributed Systems
- Electromagnetic
- Electron Devices
- Engineering Education
- Expert Systems
- Fiber Optics
- Fuzzy Systems
- GaAs/SiGe
- Industrial Electronics
- Instruction
- Lasers
- Magnetics
- Maintainability
- Microelectronics
- Microprocessors
- Microwave
- Modeling and Simulation
- Multimedia
- Network Theory
- Neural Networks
- Optical Computing
- Pattern Recognition
- Photonics
- Power Electronics
- Power Systems
- Professional Activities
- Radar Systems
- Reliability
- Remote Sensing
- Robotics
- Sensors and Transducers
- Signal Processing
- Software Engineering
- Spread Spectrum
- System Theory
- Telecommunications
- Telemetry
- Ultrasonics
- Vehicular Technology
- Wave Propagation
- Wireless Communications
- Top of
- Region 3 - Senior
Member Initiative
- -----------------------------------
- The year 2002 is almost over but if we hurry, Region 3 can
join an elite
- club of regions that have achieved their goals of elevating
key members to
- the Senior Member status. As of today, we have elevated 113
of our goal of
- 157. That's 72.0% of our goal. In one of Dave Green's
classes, that's not
- a grade you want to take home to your parents. We still have
time to get a
- good region grade before the holidays. You already know good
people in
- your Sections that qualify for Senior Member. I bet that most
of them have
- a dusty old Senior Member form that has been sitting on their
desk for
- years. Let them know that the process is now all electronic
- easier. In fact if they go to the following web site, they
can get started
- and have the application done before the Evening News
- https://a957.g.akamai.net/7/957/3680/v0001/www.ieee.org/organizations/rab/md/smelev.htm
- For backup material on the Senior Member program, you can go
- https://a957.g.akamai.net/7/957/3680/v0001/www.ieee.org/organizations/rab/md/smprogram.html
- If you want to see how we stack up against the other Regions,
please go to,
- https://a957.g.akamai.net/7/957/3680/v0001/www.ieee.org/organizations/rab/md/2002smgoals.html
- Please note that most of the Regions outside of 1 - 6
recognize the
- importance of the Senior Member status and have already met
- goals. Let's show them what we can do.
- 2002 Year end Membership Renewals
- -------------------------------------------------------
- Please remind your local membership that renewals for 2003 are
- now. These renewals are important not only for the financial
reasons, they
- are important as a means of updating the IEEE database of who
and where we
- are. Encourage your members to not only renew but request a
IEEE email
- alias and include detail on work and home addresses. You can
renew by
- going to the following URL,
- https://www.ieee.org/portal/index.jsp?pageID=corp_level1&path=membership/renewal&file=index.xml&xsl=generic.xsl
- Membership Development at the Section
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- Now is also the time to identify your local Membership
- resource. Please include this resource on your forms to RAB
so I can stay
- in touch with them. IEEE has made it easier to find
Membership information
- on the main IEEE web site. A menu of key Membership links can
be found at,
- https://www.ieee.org/organizations/rab/md/keyurls.html
- Please use these links for fast access to Membership
information. You can
- also order Membership materials through these links. For any
and all other
- Region 3 Membership Development needs, you can always contact
- Thanks,
- Lee Stogner
- Region 3 Membership Development Chair
- Office 864-281-8276
- Mobile 864-444-0618
- Top of
- Updated 11/27/02