March 7, 2006 Officers Meeting



Treasurer's Report: 

L50 Yearly Financial Report has been submitted

-Current balance: $2904.53


March  Meeting:

Location: Tour of Disney Laundry

Date/Time: March 16th

Action Item:  Charlene to take RSVP, Jerry to provide Pizza, Aaron to provide Soda, Everyone else to attend and ridicule Jerry’s Pizza and Aaron’s Soda. 


APRIL TUTORIAL: Power Quality and Power System Testing? 

April 4th: Current Transformers Performance Analysis, Anwar Saeed

April 11th: Harmonics and Voltage Imbalance, Ramon Saenz

April 18st: High Voltage system Testing, Wally Vahlstorm

April 25th: Generator Testing and standard IEEE p62.2 Jim Lau


Action Item:  Charlene to take RSVPs and fill out CEU Paperwork, Dan to provide Subs, Aaron to provide Soda, Everyone else to attend and get a sugar & caffeine rush. 



May & June


Tour Stewart Motors.  ?Jerry to set up


Tour Harris Engineering Center?  (New UCF Engineering Building)  Aaron to setup.


Tour Schwartz Optics Tour.  Aaron to call. 


Other Ideas?  Stanton Tour



Anyone want to spearhead this effort?   James Farris - Vice chair of Awards



Old Business:  



New Business:  


Meeting Location: Is the location okay?  Moving to Michigan St. 


Senior Members update:  Who in the excom (or elsewhere) is eligible?  Charlene, Dan


Section Meeting update:  Section is looking for officers and for someone from our chapter to attend their meetings.


Student Chapter update: Who wants to be student chapter liaison?  Ian Beason will be Vice Chair of Student Affairs